Review: Implementation of Smart Cities Mission Maharashtra Date of Review – April 13, 2017
SPV& PMC Name of city Date of establishment of SPV In human resources appointment Date of issue of LoI for PMC # Of RFP’s completed by PMC CEO CFO CS Others Nagpur 01/07/2016 Yes* No NA * Additional Commissioner, NMC is holding additional charge of CEO * M/s Parag Dasarvar & Company appointed as consultancy firm to provide services related to Company Secretary.
Fund’s etc City Name Central Share Transferred State Share Transferred Equity (to be enhanced to Rs. 200cr. PFMS Opened (yes / No) Nagpur 94 cr. * 95 Cr. - Yes * GoI has issued GR, funds yet to be received by SPV
Projects- Core infrastructure Sl Modules Set of Projects Cost (INR Cr) 1 RESILIENT AND SMART INFRASTRUCTURE AGENDA 24x7 WS for PBP area Integrated WW and SWD project Utility Ducting Piped gas network Smart Electricity Grid (smart meters and SCADA system) 311 2 SMART MOBILITY AGENDA Project TenderSURE (Road and NMT) MOVE PEOPLEinitiative (e-buses) Smart Bus shelters Project "Share a Bike" (PBS) E-rickshaws Automated MLCP at Pardi 280 3 SMART AND INCLUSIVE LIVING AGENDA - MODULE 1 Project "HOME SWEETHOME” Project "SHIKSHIT and NIRAMAY PBP" Project "KAUSHAL PBP" (multi-skill development center) Project "ABHAY" (CCTV, police kiosk) Project "SURAKSHA APP Public market Places 59 4 SMART AND INCLUSIVE LIVING AGENDA - MODULE 2 Project "Attractive Public Realm" and public art installation Project "Nirmal Nag River" Five public gardens and Landscaping 168 5 SMART ENVIRONMENT AGENDA Project "Zero Garbage Society" Smart trash bins Project "Green Light" Rainwater harvesting 57 6 SMART GOVERNANCE AGENDA Wi-Fi hubs Smart police kiosk ORANGE city Kiosk TOTAL COST 876
Visible, Feel, Experience projects City Name Smart Road in Areas (ABD) (No’s) Implementation Status Smart Integrated Command & Control Centre Nagpur 1* In Progress Started * Smart Road is not proposed as part of ABD proposal but has been included in ICT based Nagpur Smart & Safe City Project (PAN City)
Project - Smart Solution City Name Proposed Project (No’s ) RFP under Preparation Work Started (No’s) Discuss- Plan of Action for RFP under Preparation Physical Progress (% Completed) Nagpur 3* Completed 3 NA 23% * Separate extra slides (Annexure A) attached capturing details on all the ICT led Smart Solutions
Project – ABD City Name Project Proposed (No.) RFP under Preparation Work Started (No.) Physical Progress (% Completed) Nagpur 24 (5 Modules) Nil 1* (LOA Placed) * Consultancy firm has been selected for preparation of Town Planning Scheme for identified ABD Area
Convergence- GoI, State Government, Others Name of City: NAGPUR Name of Ministry/Department/ Others No’s of Project Cost of Project (s) Status Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS), Ministry of Power India Smart Grid Forum (IGF) 1 44 cr. In Progress Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM), MoUD 7 cr Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT), MoUD 232 cr Tender In Process Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY), Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation DPR Preparation Stage Model Solar City Project 22.5 cr Digital India and Maharashtra Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems(CCTNS) 2 23 cr Skill India, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship 15 cr FAME Scheme (Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles), Department of Heavy Industry, GoI 21 cr
Projects- Modules, packages Prepared from separate project City Name Project Proposed in SCP(Total No) Integration Possible(No) Not Possible (No) Manner of Integration Nagpur Nil -
Finance- Projects Pipeline Creation of pipeline of projects (nos.)- 1 -JICA- Nag River Pollution Abetment Project
Finance-Bond City name Credit Rating Status Bond’s issue- plan Progress in Appointment of Transaction Advisor Nagpur Done To Be Decided In Process
Finance- PPPs and JVs City name Proposed PPP in SCP (Total No’s) Proposed Started (No’s) Likely date of bidding Proposed Private Finance (Rs. Crore) in bidding Nagpur To Be Decided Nil Estimation yet to be done
MIS- Excel Worksheet, Gantt Charts No. of Gantt Worksheet (Refer Annexure ‘A’) - Nagpur - No (it is being prepared and will be submitted soon) Smartnet- - Nagpur (Registered)
CBUD Progress City Name Status of VCF Policy Revision Status of Property Tax Rationalization Status of NRW Reduction Status of Waste Water Recycling Nagpur NA In Progress Partially Completed 130 MLD waste water is getting recycled and being supplied to MAHAGENCO
Milestone for 25 June 2017(City Wise) No. Of Projects likely to be started- 2 (ABD & Smart Solution) No. of Projects likely to be Completed- Nil List of Visible & felt outcomes for people- CCTV based City Surveillance (approx. 350 locations (approx. 2000 cameras) out of proposed 700 locations) Fibre based City Network (approx. 600 km out of proposed 1200 km) City WiFi Services (approx. 68 locations) City Kiosks (approx. 50 locations) Smart Strip (5.8 Km with smart solutions like smart light, smart traffic, smart transport, environment sensors, smart solid waste, public address system etc.)
Fast Track & Round 2 Cities (City Wise) City Name Date of SPV Establishment Date of issue of tender for PMC Date of Completion of Credit Rating No. of Registration on Smart Net Nagpur July 1, 2016 November 25, 2016 Completed 1
Issues for discussion with MOUD NIL
Annexure A - Smart Solution Implementation Status - Sr. No Solution Detail - Status 1 City Network Proposed - 1200 Km Optical Fibre based Network (including 650 Km Ducting) Status – 50 km of fibre duct is created 2 City Wi-Fi Proposed - 136 Locations Status – WiFi enabled locations 22 with 143 Access Points 3 City Surveillance Proposed - 700 Locations Status – Camera (265) installation completed at 45 locations 4 City Kiosk Proposed - 100 Locations Status– 100 locations identified and site survey completed, Kiosk Prototype model and services finalized 5 CoC (City Operation Centre) 20% work completed for establishment of City Operation Centre (CoC) 6 CCC (Command Control Centre) Location is finalized, civil work to be executed
Annexure A - Smart Solution Implementation Status - Sr. No Solution Detail - Status 7 Smart Strip Approx. 5.8 km length (linear) with 10 junctions Smart Traffic Proposed – Adaptive Traffic Control System at 10 Junctions Status - 10 Junctions Identified and Site Survey Completed, physical infrastructure yet to be installed Smart Transport Proposed – GPS & PA system enabled 400 buses and 160 Smart Bus stops with Mobile Application Status - 160 Smart Bus stop locations identified , Bus infrastructure testing is going on Smart Environment Proposed – 10 locations enabled with environment sensors Status – Environment Sensor installation completed for 2 locations Smart Parking Proposed – One Location with Approx. 87 car parking space identified Status – The Work of Smart Parking is in progress Smart Light Proposed – 400 LED and Sensor based Smart Lights Status – 383 Smart Lights installed ICT Enabled SWM Proposed – Smart Bins to be setup at 2 locations along with GPS and RFID devices installation on 6 waste pick up vehicle Status - Site survey and Location Identification completed
Details of Utilization and Unspent Balance as on December 31, 2016 City Name Fund Utilization till date (in INR) Unspent fund till date Nagpur 86 lacs 188.14 crore
Quarterly / Monthly Expenditure Plan for ABD Projects Expenditure plan for Town Planning Scheme for Retrofitting of the Areas of Pardi-Bharatwada-Punapur Sr.No. Activity Payment Schedule 1 Commencement / Mobilization 5% of the contract value 2 Physical Survey 10% of the contract value 3 Base Map/Area Statement 4 TPS Polices and Conceptual Plan 5 Prepare Documents for the Owner’s Meeting 20% of the contract value 6 Prepare Documents for Publication Stage 7 Prepare Documents for Submission to the State Government and Submission to State Government 25% of the contract value 8 Support the State Government in the process of review of the Draft TPS and upon Sanction of Draft Scheme Shall be submitted later in consultation with Directorate of Information Technology, Government of Maharashtra
Quarterly / Monthly Expenditure Plan for Smart Solution Projects Expenditure plan for Implementation of ICT based Nagpur Smart City Solutions Sr.No. Activity Payment Schedule 1 Phase 1 Operationalization & Go-Live 20% of the contract value 2 Phase 2 Operationalization & Go-Live 10% of the contract value 3 Phase 3 Operationalization & Go-Live 4 Operation and Maintenance Phase for a period of 60 Months from the date of Go Live of the last solution 60% of the contract value in equal quarterly instalments etc.