Handout 5-2 In groups of 2-4, discuss each answer Come to a group decision on the correct answer choice Write a sentence for each question explaining your decision
Handout 5-2 1. False. Normal REM sleep is accompanied by muscle paralysis that makes acting out of dreams impossible. Sleepwalking actually occurs in stage 4 of sleep.
Handout 5-2 2. False. Night or sleep terrors are marked by intense feelings of dread but lack the fearful narratives that characterize nightmares. Autonomic nervous system arousal is intense in night terrors but mild in nightmares.
Handout 5-2 3. False Because there is too little evidence to establish the usefulness of melatonin, the FDA has not approved it as a treatment for insomnia. Also, its long-term safety is uncertain. Evidence does suggest that melatonin helps some people with circadian rhythm disruptions.
Handout 5-2 4. False Research indicates that some hallucination-like dreams occur in stage 1. Unlike REM dreams, these stage 1 dreams do not follow a narrative or story line.
Handout 5-2 5. False Dreaming, as reported in self-reported dream logs, typically occurs in full color.
Handout 5-2 6. False Infants enter REM sooner and for a greater percentage of sleep than do adults or older children.
Handout 5-2 7. True Some require as few as 4 hours while other need as many as 10. Most people require between 6 and 10 hours of sleep.
Handout 5-2 8. True 95% of people awakened during REM report dreaming. Failure to report dreaming, suggest researchers, reflects a failure of memory.
Handout 5-2 9. True According to the 2005 Sleep in America poll, 54% of American adults report that, within the last year, they have experienced at least one or more symptoms of insomnia at least a few nights a week.
Handout 5-2 10. False Although the body rests during sleep, the brain is active and still controls body functions. More specifically, REM sleep is active sleep during which dreams occur, breathing and heart rate increase and become irregular, and eyes move back and forth under the eyelids. Even in the deepest non-REM sleep, our minds still process information.
Handout 5-2 11. True Sleep attacks, or persistent daytime sleepiness, are a common symptoms of narcolepsy.
Handout 5-2 12. False Barbiturates suppress central nervous system activity and are associated with a lower level of REM sleep than is healthy. Moreover, they are highly addictive and are associated with painful and difficult withdraw. Newer sleep medications (e.g., benzodiazepines) are much safer.
Handout 5-2 13. False Although generally safe, OTCs can cause nausea and, more rarely, fast or irregular heartbeat, blurred vision, and heightened sensitivity to sunlight. Because of the side effects of OTCs and because they are often ineffective in relieving sleep problems, experts generally advise against their use. Their primary ingredient is antihistamine.
Handout 5-2 14. False Slower maturation of bladder control is the most common cause of bed-wetting. Enuresis is viewed as a disorder of arousal, that is, an elevated sleep arousal threshold leaves the child unable to awaken after an enuretic episode.
Handout 5-2 15. True Men over 50 are more likely to experience REM behavior disorder. They may hurt themselves or their bed partners. About one-third of them develop Parkinson’s disease within three years of REM behavior disorder’s onset.
Handout 5-2 16. True (or is it False?) Clearly there is a disagreement on this one. The text cites evidence for the role of dreaming in memory consolidation. However, Palladino, and Bloom cite Jerome Siegel’s review published in November 2003 Scientific American that challenges the idea that REM sleep has a role in memory consolidation: “The findings that argue against memory consolidation include the demonstration that people who have brain damage that prevents REM sleep, or who have a drug-induced blockade of REM sleep, have normal– or even improved—memory”
Handout 5-2 17. True Bigger animals—elephants, giraffes, humans—need less sleep than smaller animals—rats, cats, voles. The reason is related to the fact that small animals have higher metabolic rates and higher brain and body temperatures than larger animals do.
Handout 5-2 18. True Placing infants on their backs has reduced sudden infant death syndrome by about 40 percent.
Handout 5-2 19. True Snoring can be a symptom of sleep apnea, which is characterized by by pauses in breathing during sleep. The difficult breathing leads to decreased blood oxygen, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. The condition affects about 18 million adults in the United States and is most common among older, overweight men.
Handout 5-2 20. True Brain activity is fetuses is similar to that experienced by children and adults in REM. This activity is associated with facial muscles twitches and muscular tonicity, which would also be expected during REM sleep.
Questions 1) How many hours of sleep do you personally need each night to be fully rested? On average, how many do you get? 2) How often have you experienced insomnia? What do you think caused it? 3) How often do you remember your dreams? How could you remember more of your dreams? 4) Have you ever had a night terror, sleep-talked, or sleep-walked? Describe the experience.