Enlightened Egoism
It is in your interest to make a hypothetical contract with other people in society who may pose a threat to you. You abide by certain moral rules (do not steal) and they in turn do the same. You benefit from a secure and safe society. Hobbes: Nasty, brutish and short if we did not abide by social contract.
Criticism Genuine Egoists would probably give into temptation and free ride the contract. (prisoners dilemma) Not everyone holds the same interests. The contract is hypothetic so it is not certain which rules we must abide by.
Rawls can tell us exactly what is in our social contract. He asks what a “rational and mutually self-interested” to consider what rules they would abide by in advance of joining a society. The contract has been made “behind a veil of ignorance” we do not know what is going to happen in the future but the rules in the contract are those that you would wish society to abide by.
Watch: Forrest Gump Vietnam part 2. What are the rules of the social contract made behind the veil of Ignorance? What are the advantages of a social contract made behind a veil of ignorance?
The Veil of ignorance teaches the individual that it is in their interest to join the social contract and be concerned with the state of society. In today’s society the contract is made compulsory by the use of laws.
Criticisms We do not have to do moral acts if it is not in the contract or law. You don’t have to stop and help at a car crash so under the social contract it is not immoral to drive on.
It is selfish. You are still acting morally because it benefits the individual. Merit is due only where individuals act in a why “because it is right” and not because it benefit the individual.