Teddy, Taft, and Wilson Foreign Policy Before World War I
“Big Stick Diplomacy” Teddy believed in the using US power in the world- “speak softly but carry a big stick.” Supported imperialism and building US up as a world power A difference between civilized and uncivilized nations in the world- necessary for civilized to intervene in uncivilized to keep order
Russia and Japan Japan attacks a Russian fleet in 1904- trying to take control of Manchuria Teddy Roosevelt helps mediate dispute and makes secret agreement with Japan to allow US to continue trading freely in China (protects open door) Teddy wins Nobel Peace Prize for ending Russo-Japanese War Teddy sends out Great White Fleet (16 ships) on world tour to show US power (especially to Japan)
The Roosevelt Corollary Monroe Doctrine- Europe: Stay out of the Western Hemisphere Roosevelt Corollary added that the United States had the right to intervene in order to maintain order and protect their national sovereignty Roosevelt intervenes in Dominican Republic (used also to justify Haiti, Honduras, and Nicaragua) Cuba- Platt Amendment gives US rights to control Cuba’s foreign policy
Big Stick Map
The Panama Canal Roosevelt wanted to build the canal in Colombia at the Isthmus of Panama John Hay negotiates US perpetual rights to canal zone, Columbia comes back and wants more money Teddy is mad and orchestrated a Panamanian revolt (lands marines), Panama gets independence andc then agrees to give us control of canal zone
The Panama Canal Connected Atlantic to Pacific Ocean Construction began in 1904 and canal opened in 1914 5,609 died building canal 1921- we paid Colombia $25 million, Gave control of canal to Panama in 1999.
William Howard Taft- “Dollar Diplomacy” Taft did not have a big stick- used investments instead of military Secretary of State Philander Know pushed American economic influence Dollar diplomacy- promoted US trade by encouraging investments in less developed regions Intervention in Nicaragua- supported a revolt, sent troops, seized customs houses, gave loans
Woodrow Wilson- Big Stick continued? Wilson sent troops to Haiti in 1915, Dominican Republic in 1916, and bought the Virgin Islands from Denmark Wilson order the seizure of Vera Cruz (19 casualities) from Mexico after Tampico incident Pancho Villa murdered Americans and Wilson had Pershing try to capture him
Wilson- Moral Diplomacy Wilson attempted to bring morality to past US foreign policy Granted rights to Filipinos and promised independence Gave citizenship to people of Puerto Rico Got rid of US exemption on Panama Canal Conciliation Treaties with William Jennings Bryan (SOS)- nations agreed to mediation Wilson was an idealist- 14 points and League of Nations are a perfect example