State of Queretaro Security Status Report October 2017 Today´s Purpose: Clarify the crime/violence trend of Queretaro Offer Security Tips
Homicide MONTHLY AVERAGES 2016 - 2017 Many states have experienced an increase in Homicides in 2017
Homicide MONTHLY AVERAGES 2016 - 2017 Increase of 45.9% Increase of 10.3% Homicides have increased significantly in 2017 in both Queretaro and Guanajuato (Celaya)
How to Prevent Theft From Your Vehicle: Recommendations: • Always keep the doors locked on your vehicle. • Vehicle keys and your house keys should be on separate key chains. • Do not pick up or help strangers. • Never trust your car keys to strangers who offer to take care of your car. • Leave your car in enclosed, guarded parking, even if you need to pay. • Do not leave valuables on the seats of your car (visible). Leaving any type of bags in plain sight in a vehicle, or leaving electronics in a vehicle. Store your belongings in the trunk. Do not leave any type of electronics in your car. • If you are required to park on the street, do it in crowded and watched places. • When parking check that there are no suspicious people in the surrounding area. • When you leave the vehicle check that it is securely closed and you have the keys. • Before entering the vehicle see if someone watches you suspiciously and check that there are no hidden people beside or inside the car. Are you being followed? • Do not leave personal documents with the address of your home, school or office.
Security Recommendations Preventive Recommendations: How to be safer at home: • Teach your whole family how to identify an emergency and how to act, where to go, what phone numbers they can dial, and the data they need to provide. • Make sure that your family learns the address and telephone number of you or your work partner and the full names of the members of your family. • Do not give strangers in the street or by phone data or explanations about personal activities of the members of your family, even if they speak English. How to be safer on the street: • When your minor children attend festivals, public events, or recreation centers, make sure they are in the care of a responsible person. • It is important that you know the location of all the members of your family. • Never leave your young children home alone, even if it is only for a few minutes. If you need to leave your house ask someone absolutely trusted to take care of them while you're gone. • Avoid sending your children to a shop alone, even if it is close to your house. If you walk alone on the street: • Avoid walking through empty, dark, or un-crowded areas. • If someone is following you, walk through places with many people, into a store, or into a well-lit public area.
When You Are The Victim of a Crime If you find yourself in the situation of being robbed, it is important you do not resist. To "resist" includes fighting back against the robber, trying to escape, yelling, or antagonizing the robber in any way. It should be noted that the sharp or quick movements may be misunderstood as an attempt to reach for a weapon, so make sure any movements you make are slow and controlled. In case of a robbery, proceed as follows: Move slowly Do not stare at the face of the offender Carry a dummy wallet and give this to the robber Rather than give all the belongings at once, hand them over one at a time, such as first your watch, then your wallet, then your phone, depending on the situation
Security while Driving DRIVING TIPS DRIVING TIPS Security while Driving Driving at night in Mexico is not advisable. Lighting on many roads/highways is non-existent. It is difficult to observe hazards such as potholes and debris. Also, livestock have a habit of wandering onto the road. Keep your car doors locked and your windows up. No visible bag in the seats, etc. If you're driving through dense traffic, make sure you maintain enough distance between vehicles to escape a dangerous situation.