Idling M.P.G. Mid Year Directors meeting What’s your number?
Miles Per Gallon What's your number? 4.74 6.55 3.22 5.55 5.75 11.99 12.50 5.99 7.96 13.32 12.12 12.0 11.0 1011 13.90 14.99 2.75 8.88 11.44 7.77 9.90 6.60 6.54 6.99 9.65 9.45 9.23 8.09 10.14 7.789 3.43 10.77 5.55 7.32 3.75 4.1
Manatee Fuel Savings Plan 2012-2013 Driving Time Fuel Costs Old Fleet Old Buses 217 Avg. Miles / Year 16129 Total Miles 3499993 Miles / Gallon 5.75 Total Gallons 608694.4348 Cost / Gallon $3.00 Total Driving Fuel Cost $1,826,083.30 New Fleet 169 2725801 474052 169 Old Buses Driving Fuel Cost $1,422,157.04 New, More Fuel Efficient Buses 48 774192 7.7 100544 48 New Buses Driving Fuel Cost $301,633.25 Total Projected 2013 Driving Fuel Cost $1,723,790.29 Idle Time Fuel Costs Savings Avg. # of Operating Buses 186 Gallons Idling Per Day Per bus 2.5 Total Gallons Idling Per Day 465 Idling Cost / Day $1,395.00 Operating Days / Year 185 Idling Cost / Year $258,075.00 Idle Time Reduction of 50% Savings $129,037.50 Total Projected Diesel Fuel Cost 2013 $1,594,752.79 Actual Diesel Fuel Spend 2012 $2,059,432 Total Anticipated Savings 2013 $464,679.21 Manatee Fuel Savings Plan 2012-2013 Our proposed Recovery Plan factors in $400,000 in diesel fuel savings. We anticipate diesel fuel cost savings in three respects. One, the overall cost of diesel fuel is anticipated to drop. While every delivery of fuel we receive varies in price, information from the U.S. Energy Information Administration shows a projected price drop of 6.98% in retail diesel fuel costs from 2012 to 2013. Follow information obtained from our contracted suppliers supports an anticipated average cost of $3.00 per gallon for the 2012-2013 fiscal year. Two, we replaced 48 of our oldest, least fuel efficient school buses with new, highly fuel efficient buses. These new buses will increase our “mile per gallon” efficiency from 5.75 mpg to 7.70 mph for those 48 buses. Three, our new routing software has decreased idle time by approximately 50%. While idle time is a relatively small factor in our overall operating costs, those savings are real. As the worksheet shows, the District’s actual diesel fuel spend in 2011-2012 was $2,059,432. Total projected spend for 2012-2013, factoring in the above savings, is $1,594,752. Total anticipated savings from 2011-2012 to 2012-2013 is, therefore, $464,679. We rounded that figure down to $400,000 to be conservative in our estimates.
Driver pre trip?
What controls your number? Route Engine size Fuel type Options Air condition Shoe size Weight- bus- Load – fuel capacity ? Short Tall Morning Afternoon Trip Situations Speed Training Tire Spare bus New old Idle time Mechanics
What controls your number? Bus manufacture Bus model Drive Trane Capacity Lift bus Age Road condition Weather Driver new Driver seasoned Driver happy
What is your sign?
Idle Time 2012-2013 Thinking it’s time for a change?
Are you willing to change, are you sure? you want the Truth , I will give the whole truth Now change me!!
Thank you for not idling!