Each week we will go red hunting and chip away at RED TOPICS – I will also try and provide you with tailored questions for individuals.
Red Hunting – Topic 2 – Cells and Control Bio ONLY: Describe the structures and functions of the brain including the cerebellum, cerebral hemispheres and medulla oblongata Bio & HT ONLY: Explain how the difficulties of accessing brain tissue inside the skull can be overcome by using CT scanning and PET scanning Bio & HT ONLY: Explain some of the limitations in treating damage and disease in the brain and other parts of the nervous system
What does the brain do? Bio ONLY: Describe the structures and functions of the brain including the cerebellum, cerebral hemispheres and medulla oblongata Cerebral cortex Link the brain and areas of the brain with neurones and their function from last lesson. Cerebellum Medulla Spinal cord
Flash cards! Word Definition/Function Brain Cerebellum Controls complex behaviour. It is made of billions of connecting neurones and has different regions that carry out different functions Cerebellum Co-ordinates how your muscles work, balance Medulla Oblongata Controls the unconscious activities such as heart beat, breathing and digestion Cerebral hemispheres Controls consciousness, intelligence memory and language.
Bio & HT ONLY: Explain how the difficulties of accessing brain tissue inside the skull can be overcome by using CT scanning and PET scanning We can’t always look inside the brain without performing some form of surgery so we can use CT and PET scans to look at the brain. This is much less invasive for the patient. A computerised tomography (CT) scan uses X-rays and a computer to create detailed images of the inside of the body. Used to: Diagnose conditions – including damage to bones, injuries to internal organs, problems with blood flow, strokes and cancer Guide further tests or treatments – for example, CT scans can help to determine the location, size and shape of a tumour before having radiotherapy, or allow a doctor to take a needle biopsy(where a small tissue sample is removed using a needle) or drain an abscess Monitor conditions – including checking the size of tumours during and after cancer treatment
Bio & HT ONLY: Explain how the difficulties of accessing brain tissue inside the skull can be overcome by using CT scanning and PET scanning Positron emission tomography (PET) scans are used to produce detailed three-dimensional images of the inside of the body. A radioactive tracer is used inside the body. Low dose radioactive glucose is used. Tumours are usually more active and therefore show up as bright parts on the scan. Risks: Radioactive tracer used but quickly becomes less radioactive over time as it has a very short half life. Also exposed to a small amount of radiation but no more than back ground radiation
Limitations of treating damage and disease in the brain Bio & HT ONLY: Explain some of the limitations in treating damage and disease in the brain and other parts of the nervous system Limitations of treating damage and disease in the brain Lots that we don’t understand about the brain Millions of different neurones that are difficult to replace Neurological disorders often have genetic links Surgery can often have unwanted side effects e.g. removal of tumour could affect memory, speech
Testing – Red to Green! Describe the roles of the cerebellum, the medulla oblongata and the cerebral hemispheres. Describe how CT and PET scans work and why how they help to overcome the difficulties of assessing brain tissue. What the limitations to treating diseases of the brain and nervous system?