White Collar WG Work plan adopted 09 March 2017 Marina Åman, Unionen Chairperson of the White Collar WG Executive Committee meeting London, 07 June 2017
Work Plan Organising White Collar Workers in Industry Specific aspects of digitalisation of industry Crowd- and platform work (Automated) processing of worker-related data Work-life balance + Working time Effects on employment Participation in existing campaigns ”Equal pay for equal work” campaign Whistleblowing campaign
1: Organising White Collar workers in industry Exchange analyses & Best Practices Identify common challenges, success factors & methods Define a tool box Cooperation with Task Force ”Building Trade Union Power” (workshop November)
2a: Digitalisation. Crowd- and platform work in industry Survey: White Collar WG and Collective Bargaining & Social Policy Com Response by 24 May 2017 Analyses Documents & proposals
2b: Digitalisation. (Automated) processing of worker-related data Issue: Massive surveillance + HR decisions taken by algorithms Upcoming survey: White Collar WG and Collective Bargaining & Social Policy Com Potential Position Paper Opportunity for iAllE to take the lead on the topic (with UNI?)
2c: Digitalisation. Work-life balance and Working Time Parts of Social Pillar Active advocacy Issue: “Autonomous workers” (Art. 17.1) Issue: Scope of Working Time Directive + of Written Statement Directive Psycho-social risks
2d: Digitalisation. Employment of White-collars in industry Existing studies Rights to Life-Long Learning
3a: Existing campaigns. Equal pay for equal work Support of ETUC Payrise campaign Analysis of pay level differencies between white collars (North-South, East-West) Brain drains & Brain gains
3b: Existing campaigns. Whistleblowing Led by EuroCadres Network of 48 trade unions & NGOs Backing ETUC resolution ”Whistleblowing and protection from blacklisting” Demand: Strong horizontal EU legislation to be implemented by national law (now 27 different legislations; even cases of nonexistence) Answer made to EC consultation (deadline was 29 May 2017)
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