Automobiles Henry Ford thought that the automobile should be available to all average Americans. So, he made it possible.
Henry Ford’s Idea Henry Food had the idea to create an automobile that everyone could afford. To make this dream come true, he utilized the assembly line, and hired those he considered dedicated to their work. A strict, but fair employer, Ford paid a higher wage to his employees with their agreement to maintain high productivity.
The Automobile Ford’s Model T came off the assembly line, and was mass produced to meet the needs of every American. The Model T sparked an automobile revolution, spurring the building of roadways and businesses to help support the automobile culture. By the end of the 1920s, 1 out of every 5 American owned an automobile and Americans had travelled almost 200 billion in their new cars on the newly created roadways.
Auto Industry To support the new mode of transportation, new industries popped up over night. Repair garages, tire manufacturers, and even hot dog stands sprung up along the roads, encouraging Americans to travel more than they ever had before the Model T. New jobs were also created to assist the auto industry, and jobs also arose allowing individuals to work in the city, but live in the countryside. By the end of the decade, the automobile had made a definite impact on the land and on the people of America..
Car Culture The automobile created many new trends for America. First, and foremost, Americans could travel further and faster than every before. The car allowed people to live and work in different places, to shop in different places and in different ways, and to travel and vacation in all new ways. For the younger generation, the car represented a new type of freedom, one that allowed teens the new opportunity to date and play out of the site of their parents and others that would have before monitored their behavior.