Welcome to GW Back to School Night!
George Washington School Mrs. Kerry Postma – Superintendent of Schools Mr. Chris Kirkby – Principal Mrs. Karen Husser – Supervisor of Curriculum Mrs. Stefanie Berliner – Nurse Ms. Jennifer Merritts– Secretary / Registrar Dr. Dinah Braude – Supervisor of Child Study Team
Edgewater Schools PreK - Gr. 2: GW School Gr. 3 - 6: EVG School www.edgewaterschools.org, 201-886-3480 PreK - Gr. 2: GW School Gr. 3 - 6: EVG School Gr. 7 – 12 Leonia
Academic Programs Reading and Writing Workshop Word Study Go Math! Social Studies and Science Music, Art, Physical Education, Media / STEAM
Academic Programs English as a Second Language Bilingual Education (Korean) Supplemental Reading Supplemental Math Occupational Therapy / Physical Therapy/ Speech Therapy
Parent – Student Handbook Supervision begins each morning at 7:55 am http://www.edgewaterschools.org Absences / Late Nurse Parties/Food –NO NUTS Cafeteria Lunches Arrival and Dismissal Supervision begins each morning at 7:55 am Students should not be on the playground after hours without a parent or guardian.
Communicating with Your Child About School Children will take the same attitude about school that you do. Ask them specific questions about parts of school – get a feel for what they like and don’t like. This can help guide your parenting. Social development at this age is just as important as academic development. Make sure your child is clear each day on how they are getting home.
Stay Informed www.edgewaterschools.org Facebook: Edgewater School District Twitter: @EdgewaterSchool Email / Text Blasts from GW Office
Lunch Program Maschio’s Lunch each day is $2.85 Every child has a lunch card If you have a negative balance of more than two lunches, your child will receive a “basic” lunch until the balance is paid. Payment – check or cash in an envelope (include name of child and teacher) or you can use payforit.net Negative balance letters are sent home weekly. ttaurozzi@edgewaterschools.org
Health Forms Allergy and Asthma Forms must be returned If your child has a food allergy, he/she is placed at the food allergy table(s) unless you send the nurse permission not to. Doctor’s note needed to be out of physical education and/or recess.
Attendance If your child will not be in school, you must call the school nurse to inform us. School attendance is an important part of the learning process and should be a priority. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 160 school days (out of 180) to be considered prepared for the next grade level. Plan trips and vacations around school breaks (December and April)
Last Thoughts….. School Pictures – October 24 2 Drills Per Month (Fire, Evacuation, Lockdown) GW Book Fair (September 25 – September 29) What is my child learning? (NJSLS) Raz Kids Reading Program Keep all info with the office as updated as possible (phone numbers, emergency contacts, email )
Tonight’s Schedule 7:00-7:30 Pre-K and Kindergarten Presentations 7:30-7:45 ESL Presentation (Library on top floor) 7:45-8:15 Grade 1 and 2 Presentations Art: Rm 223, Music: Rm 105, Phys. Ed: Gym Library: Top Floor at end of hallway Child Study Team: Rm 209 Speech: Rm 214 Supplemental Reading and Math: Rms 309 & 310 Shuttle meets outside by bus entrance on Orchard.