What purification techniques can we use? All pupils will be able to (Baseline): Identify the different purification techniques. Most pupils will be able to (Further): Investigate which purification technique is most effective. Some pupils will be able to (Challenge): Criticise the use of purification techniques to purify water.
Separating Immiscible Liquids This is actually quite straight forward. As there are already two or more separate layers, there is no need to do any difficult chemistry. I will now demonstrate how you can use SEPARATING FUNNEL to get a pure sample of one of the liquids.
Using a Separating Funnel Set up the apparatus. Use the glass rod to thoroughly mix the oil and water in the beaker. Pour the mixture into the separating funnel, using a filter funnel. Make sure the tap is closed. Allow the mixture to settle and separate out. Carefully run off the bottom layer into a beaker.
How might you be able to separate the oil and water to make the sea safe for animals again? Why is it possible to separate immiscible liquids using this method? Why would it not be possible to separate miscible liquids using this method? Why would this method not be suitable for cleaning large bodies of water?
Separating miscible liquids Heat the mixture. Observe the temperature on the thermometer. Make sure this temperature is between the boiling points of the two liquids. In this case we want to heat to just over 100oC. The gas cools in the condenser and becomes a liquid again. What is it about the two miscible liquids that allows you to separate them using distillation?
Plenary – Match the phrase to the meaning Technique used to separate liquids with similar boiling points Apparatus for separating many liquids with similar boiling points Apparatus that cools down and turns it into liquid Liquids that dissolve in each other and mix completely Technique used to separate two liquids with different boiling points Simple distillation Fractional distillation Fractionating column Condenser Miscible
Fractional distillation – Technique used to separate liquids with similar boiling points Fractionating column - Apparatus for separating many liquids with similar boiling points Condenser - Apparatus that cools down and turns it into liquid Miscible - Liquids that dissolve in each other and mix completely Simple distillation - Technique used to separate two liquids with different boiling points
Past Exam Question (Higher) (4 marks)
Answers (Higher)