Migrating to New Zealand 4 ways to apply for residence permit Skilled Migrant Category via lodging Expression of Interest (EOI) Business Category Family Category Work to Residence Category
Skilled Migrant Category A person who is interested in applying for residence under the Skilled Migrant Category (SMC) may complete an Expression of Interest (EOI) EOI which meets prerequisites for health, character, English language and age, and have a point score of 100 or more points, are entered into the Pool of EOI EOI that has total points of 140 or more is selected automatically from the Pool If selected, you may be invited to apply for residence, subject to an assessment of the credibility of the information provided in the EOI Only a person invited to apply may apply for residence under the Skilled Migrant Category
How much points can you get? Factors Points Skilled Employment Current Skilled employment in New Zealand for 12 months or more Offer of skilled employment in New Zealand or current employment in New Zealand for less than 12 months 60 50 Relevant Work Experience Two years Four years Six years Eight years Ten years 10 15 20 25 30 Qualifications Recognized basic qualification (eg trade qualification, diploma, bachelors degree with honours) Recognized post-graduate qualification (masters degree or doctorate) 55 Close Family in New Zealand Age 20-29 30-39 40-44 45-49 50-55 5
Factors – Bonus Points Points Bonus points for employment or offer of employment in An identified future growth area or cluster Area of absolute skill shortage A region outside Auckland Spouse/Partner employment or offer of employment 5 10 Additional bonus points if work experience in New Zealand Two years Four years Six years or more 15 Additional bonus points for work experience in an identified future growth area or cluster Two to five years Additional bonus points for work experience in an area of absolute skills shortage Two to Five years Bonus points for Recognized New Zealand qualification (and at least two years study in New Zealand) Qualification in an identified future growth area, identified cluster Spouse/partner qualifications
Skilled Migrant Category If you score 140 or more, your EOI will be selected automatically! If you score between 100 and 140 but, have a job offer in New Zealand, your EOI may be selected
How do I lodge EOI? Visit the Immigration webpage:
How do I lodge EOI? 2 Click ‘Register here’
How do I lodge EOI? 3 Fill out your User Name & Password:
How do I lodge EOI? 4 Go back No 2 and click “Login here” then you will see:
How do I lodge EOI? 5 Then, click Expression of Interest in the right hand panel as left:
How do I lodge EOI? 6 You are now ready to do your EOI application Online – click ‘create”
How do I lodge EOI?
Yes. There is a catch…it’s the part called “Skilled” Seems too easy? Yes. There is a catch…it’s the part called “Skilled” OK then, what is “Skilled”?
What is “Skilled”? An offer of employment or current employment in New Zealand will therefore be assessed as skilled if: it is relevant to the principal applicant's* recognised qualification; and it requires considerable specialist, technical or management expertise; or the employer considers, and the NZIS is satisfied, that the employment requires considerable technical, specialist or managerial expertise that the applicant has obtained through relevant previous work experience in which that expertise was a key component
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