Transformational Leadership Chapter 9
Transformational Leadership Process - TL assumes that a leader’s behaviors and processes can change and transforms individuals Influence - TL assumes that a leader’s influence can move followers to accomplish more than what they would do otherwise Core elements - TL assumes that leaders can influence followers’ emotions, values, ethics, standards, and long-term goals Measure – Multifactor Leaderships Questionnaire (MLQ) which measures different leadership behaviors in order understand their effects (motivation, performance, satisfaction). Northouse - Leadership Theory and Practice, Sixth Edition © 2012 SAGE Publications, Inc.
No new taxes => votes. Sell more cars => bonus. Types of Leadership Focuses on the exchanges that occur between leaders and their followers No new taxes => votes. Sell more cars => bonus. Turn in assignments => grade. Surpass goals => promotion. The exchanges that can observed in all walks of life. TRANSACTIONAL Northouse - Leadership Theory and Practice, Sixth Edition © 2012 SAGE Publications, Inc.
Types of Leadership Process of engaging with others to create a connection that increases motivation and morality in both the leader and the follower Leader is attentive to the needs and motives of followers and tries to help followers reach their fullest potential. Mohandas Gandhi – raised the hopes and demands of millions of his people and in the process was changed himself TRANSFORMATIONAL Northouse - Leadership Theory and Practice, Sixth Edition © 2012 SAGE Publications, Inc.
own interests rather than the interests of his or her followers Types of Leadership Focuses on the leader’s own interests rather than the interests of his or her followers Leaders who are transforming but in a negative way self-consumed, exploitive, power- oriented, with warped moral values includes leaders like Adolph Hitler Saddam Hussein PSEUDOTRANSFORMATIONAL Northouse - Leadership Theory and Practice, Sixth Edition © 2012 SAGE Publications, Inc.
Transformational Leadership Factors Northouse - Leadership Theory and Practice, Sixth Edition © 2012 SAGE Publications, Inc.
Northouse - Leadership Theory and Practice, Sixth Edition © 2012 SAGE Publications, Inc.
Strengths Intuitive appeal. People are attracted to TL because it makes sense to them. It’s also very consistent with Christian values. Emphasizes followers. TL emphasizes followers’ needs, values, and morals. Effectiveness. Evidence supports that TL is an effective form of leadership. The dimensions measured (especially the 4 I’s and contingent rewards) impact followers’ Motivation Performance Satisfaction. Northouse - Leadership Theory and Practice, Sixth Edition © 2012 SAGE Publications, Inc.
Criticisms Lacks conceptual and measurement clarity Dimensions are not clearly delimited (4 I’s overlap, transactional and transformational overlap) Essentially ignores task oriented behavior (planning, defining roles, defining objectives, problem solving). Validity of MLQ not fully established Does the MLQ simply measure how much a follower likes a leader? TL treats leadership more as a set of personality traits and abilities than a behavior that can be taught It’s not clear that transformational leaders actually transform leaders and organizations. Has the potential to be abused. Without absolute moral standards, the difference between transformational and pseudotransformational leadership is blurred. Northouse - Leadership Theory and Practice, Sixth Edition © 2012 SAGE Publications, Inc.
Can be taught at all levels of the organization Application Provides a general way of thinking about leadership that stresses ideals, inspiration, innovations, and individual concern Can be taught at all levels of the organization May be used as a tool in recruitment, selection, promotion, and training development The MLQ guide help leaders to target areas of leadership improvement Northouse - Leadership Theory and Practice, Sixth Edition © 2012 SAGE Publications, Inc.