Submissions Subcommittee 4 April 2017
2 Confirmation of Agenda THAT the agenda of the meeting of the Submissions Subcommittee of 4 April 2017, as circulated, be confirmed as the business for the meeting.
3 Disclosures of Interest
4 Waikato Regional Council submission to the Clean Water 90% of rivers and lakes swimmable by 2040: Consultation Document
Key submission topics: Proposing a target of 90% of rivers and lakes swimmable by 2040 Amending the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2014 Keeping stock out of our waterways
Clean Water Consultation 2017 key topics: Proposing a target of 90% of rivers and lakes swimmable by 2040 New maps and information on the current water quality for swimming Proposed amendments to the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2014 Inviting applications for the Freshwater Improvement fund 2017 Keeping stock out of our waterways Issues raised in the submission include the following: Timeframe Fairness Decision making tools (modelling) New regulatory tools Resourcing
MfE Workshop – 30 March 2017 As Digital elevation models improve e.g. REC1, REC2. REC3 coming soon – this will pick up more ‘4th order’ streams The model currently cannot track progress – difficult to determine if changes in E. coli are a result of the model changing or from actual bacteria concentration changes Appendix 5 – is public health the mandate of Regional Councils? If so, predictive modelling will be required Stock exclusion – MfE timeframes vs Regional Councils regulations. Clarification for stock exclusion regulations.
Recommendations THAT the report Waikato Regional Council submission to the Clean Water 90% of rivers and lakes swimmable by 2040: Consultation Document (Doc # 10181386, dated 28 March 2017) be received. THAT the Subcommittee recommend to Council the approval of the submission subject to any amendments approved by the Subcommittee.
5 Submission on the draft Waikato Plan
What is the Waikato Plan? Non statutory strategic plan Five regional priorities Planning for population change Connecting our communities through targeted investment Partnering with Iwi/Māori Addressing water allocation and quality Advancing regional economic development 10 Key Actions
Draft submission Generally supports the plan Suggestions on following topics Waikato Plan Leadership Group Vision Timing and scope of some actions Environmental outcomes Climate change Implementation Transport and road safety (level of detail)
Recommendation THAT the report “Submission on the draft Waikato Plan” (Doc # 10106222, dated 4 April 2017) be received. THAT the Committee endorses the submission on draft Waikato Plan (Doc # 10106906, dated 4 April 2017), subject to any amendments, to be submitted to the Waikato Plan Joint Committee.