The Napoléonic Era Age of Napoléon SECTION 3 The Napoléonic Era 1799-1814 The Napoléonic Era Age of Napoléon
I. The Directory A. The National Convention created a new constitution reflecting the desire for stability. The Constitution of 1795 established a legislative assembly of two chambers, the Council of 500 and the Council of Elders.
B. From a list presented by the. Council of 500, the Council of B. From a list presented by the Council of 500, the Council of Elders elected five directors to act as the executive committee, or Directory.
C. The Directory had many political enemies. In 1799 a coup d’etat (KOO day TAH) – a sudden overthrow of the government – led by Napoleon Bonaparte toppled the Directory. Napoleon took power.
II. The Rise of Napoleon A. Napoleon’s combination of intelligence and charm allowed him to win the support of his troops and the people of France. A plebiscite, vote of the people, approved a new constitution in 1800 giving Napoleon total power of France.
B. In 1801 Napoleon made an. agreement with the Pope called the B. In 1801 Napoleon made an agreement with the Pope called the Concordat. It recognized Catholicism as the religion of most people of France, but still allowed religious freedom.
C. Napoleon created a new system of. justice called the C. Napoleon created a new system of justice called the Napoleonic Code. It established system of public education including high schools, colleges, and technical schools.
D. Napoleon’s Civil Code also took rights away from women. Women had a hard time divorcing their husbands. A woman’s property became her husband’s when they got married. A women’s testimony was less reliable than a man’s in lawsuits.
E. Anne Louise Germaine de Stael was a. prominent writer who denounced E. Anne Louise Germaine de Stael was a prominent writer who denounced Napoleon as a tyrant for his laws against women. Napoleon banned her books and exiled her.
F. In 1804, Napoleon crowned himself Emperor Napoleon I.
G. December 2, 1804 Napoleon takes the G. December 2, 1804 Napoleon takes the crown from the Pope and places it on his own head! What is the significance of this act? That he was more powerful than the Catholic Church.
A. Napoleon’s conquests began soon after he reached power. III. Napoleon’s Empire A. Napoleon’s conquests began soon after he reached power. Toussaint L’Ouverture leads slave revolt in Haiti (French Colony) Napoleon sends forces to retake the island, however, France is defeated.
Sold Louisiana Territory to the United States for $15 million.
B. Napoleon’s turned his attention to Europe. Napoleon battlefield successes in Europe forced rulers of Austria, Prussia, and Russia to sign peace treaties. He built the largest European empire since that of the Romans. France’s only major enemy left was Britain.
C. The Battle of Trafalgar – naval battle Napoleon tried to defeat Great Britain, but was unable. Britain, under the leadership of commander Horatio Nelson, survived because its navy was untouchable.
The destruction of the French fleet had two major results: 1. It ensured the supremacy of the British navy for the next 100 years. 2. It forced Napoleon to give up his plans of invading Britain.