MSP430 Project
Group Members Charles Hornbuckle (group leader) Michael McCleary James Millraney John Kelly
Project Description Design a circuit using the MSP430F449PZ (MSP430) Construct the circuit using a prefabricated board Program the MSP430 with “tweaked” coding provided while implementing FLASH Debug and and insure reliability of circuit
Our Method (Design) Deciding what to measure Choosing a sensor Pros and cons of the AD590 sensor
AD590 Sensor -55°C to +150°C temp range Linear with ±0.2°C over range Voltage in with current out Output current 1 µA/K Tn = ( I / ( 1μA / K ) ) - 273.15= °C
AD22103 Sensor 3.3V temp. sensor 28 mV/°C Voltage in with temp out 0°C to +100°C temp range Linearity Better Than 0.5% Has its own op-amp Added a 1u F capacitor
MSP430F449PZ Controller
MSP430F449PZ Controller Voltage Range 1.8 V to 3.6 V 16-Bit RISC Architecture 12-Bit A/D Converter With Internal Reference Serial Communication Interface (USART), Select Asynchronous UART or Synchronous SPI by Software: Two USART; USART0, USART1 Brownout Detector Supply Voltage Supervisor/Monitor With Programmable Level Detection Serial Onboard ProgrammingIntegrated LCD Driver for Up to 160 Segments 60KB+256B Flash Memory, 2KB RAM
Our Method (Construction) Practice makes perfect Soldering the board Testing the connection Problems that arose
Our method (Programming) “Tweaking” the code FLASH memory “HELLO” Implementing the AD590 sensor Testing the sensor
Results and things learned Testing Accuracy Soldering
The End Questions?