Workshop Crafting your Zonta Elevator Speech Sherri Brown Zonta Club of St. Louis
What is a brand?
What does a brand stand for? Features Attributes Benefits
What does a brand stand for? FABs Ferrari BMW Volvo Ford Yugo
What does a brand stand for? Features Attributes Benefits How does it make you feel?
What is Zonta International’s Brand? Features Attributes Benefits
What is Your Club’s Brand? Features Attributes Benefits
Who are you? and Why do you belong/stay with Zonta? What is YOUR Brand? Who are you? and Why do you belong/stay with Zonta?
What is an ‘Elevator Pitch’? Brief message about you and/or your organization Usually very short Grabs attention, says a lot in a few words
Elements of a good Elevator Pitch About you What do you do/offer? What are the benefits? How do you do it? Call for Action
Crafting your Zonta Elevator Pitch About Zonta What do you do/ offer? What are the benefits? How do you do it? Call for Action Write one sentence for each topic Connect and Fine tune Practice