FREE Publicity! Media Attention For Your Business
Current Marketing Options Advertising = Exposure – Expensive Word of Mouth = Important – Slow (one to one) Vendor Leads = Good
Benefits of Free Publicity Credibility Thought Leader Brand Exposure
SEVEN things to remember
Have a plan
Follow your customers What media are they reading, watching, listening to?
Know the Media (Print, Online, TV, etc.) Deadlines, editors, stories they like, special sections, etc.
Know the editor Editors assign stories to staff journalists and to freelancers
Know the journalist Journalists write the stories and are looking for sources, quotes, insight, etc.
They have feelings
Develop a relationship…. Occasional email, occasional phone call, short lunch
Timing… Your priority is not their priority; respect deadlines
The news equation
Story / News Readers Advertisers
YOUR OPP! Story / News Readers Advertisers
Remember – it’s all about news and stories
News = Food for Journalists
News? Statistics Trends Commentary on news of the day Events Charity Work New Services New Products
But Wait There’s More…
Your Customers Variety of scenarios. Great stories. News Gold Mine!
Being Attractive To Journalists Appear Knowledgeable Be Knowledgeable
How…? Blog Fat Rolodex Information
The Interview Speak clearly No jargon Be for real Be informative but brief Use numbers / data Give real stories, examples Be prepared
Can you clearly explain what you do? Elevator pitch Quick tiP
Often times journalists come to associations and chambers for leads in who to speak to. Quick tip
Follow up “Thank you” When Where Card? Thank you note? Email? – Sure. Why not?
Hiring Public relations
Outsourcing PR Extension of you Their expertise Their connections Tools (press releases, media kit, person profile, etc.)
Guaranteed Media Placement
Press Releases Traditional press releases are dead Include links to rich information (photos, audio, video, etc) Optimize press releases for search engines Shift Communications “Social Media Release” (Google it to download it)
Ramon Ray Editor, Technology Evangelist & FOE Thank you! Ramon Ray Editor, Technology Evangelist & FOE