VERB + PREPOSITION or PARTICLE sometimes they help us understand the phrasal verb’s meaning. Helena Turk
Don’t keep on telling me this! Why do you go on working? Carry on! Don’t keep on telling me this! (meaning: continue) Helena Turk
Think it over and let me know. We’d better talk it over. Go over the exercise again. (meaning: consider) Helena Turk
Rub that out before mum sees it. Many customs have died out. The lights went out. Rub that out before mum sees it. Many customs have died out. (meaning: disappear) Helena Turk
The cat stretched out in front of the fire. Hold out your hand. He put his tongue out. (meaning: outward movement) Helena Turk
We’ve used it up already. Drink up and then we’ll go. Eat it all up! We’ve used it up already. Drink up and then we’ll go. (meaning: finish, all, totally) Helena Turk
He drove off like a maniac. Back off! We set off early in the morning. (meaning: movement) Helena Turk