Full Service Reverse Logistics Centers
Rehrig Penn Logistics Wholly owned subsidiary of Rehrig Pacific Company 6 Service Centers strategically located throughout the Northeast and Midwest US Onsite Service Centers at 20 Retail Distribution Centers Leader in automated equipment for processing returnable packaging assets Asset Recovery and Pooling Capabilities
RPL Service Centers Strategically located to accommodate large geographic areas Easily accessible from major highways 24 hour drop and hook service available State of the art equipment Courteous and knowledgeable staff
Service Offerings Handle ANY Returnable Packaging Asset Pick Up Sorting—To customer specifications Repair—To customer specifications Washing Disposal—If necessary Accumulation and Storage Delivery
Canal Winchester, OH Welcome to RPL Canal Winchester The welcome sign instructs inbound drivers where to go and what to do
Receiving Office RPL Staff are available on 1st and 2nd shifts. After hours box is available for paperwork for drop and hooks that occur after normal business hours. Drivers are checked in at the receiving office and given instructions to drop and hook.
Trailer Court Signs Designate the proper row for drop and hook
Trailer Court
Inbound Trailer Processing RPCs Pallets Ideally, inbound Loads should be neatly loaded with returnable assets However, many times trailers come in poorly loaded and could take many man hours to unload Boxes
Returnable Produce Containers Inbound RPCs RPC’s come in mixed from the stores They must be sorted by the respective pooler and repalletized All poolers are treated equally Outbound RPC’s Inventoried, sorted and repacked for shipment
Break Pack Inbound Break Pack All scrap boxes are bailed and recycled Break Pack Line inspects and sorts boxes All visible bar codes are blotted out with black tape
Inbound Pallets Pallets Come in mixed with all shapes, sizes, colors etc Typically plastic and cardboard are mixed in with the load RPL sorts all proprietary pallets to customer specifications
Pallet Sorting Canal Winchester must sort approx 10,000 pallets per day from inbound trailers
Pallet Reload and Storage White Wood for Repair or Resale Proprietary Pallets are stored and reloaded for return
Staff that’s Ready to Help Trained Sales Representatives Mobile Area Managers