Year One Phonics Check Monday 6th February
Screening Check Government introduced a new screening test for the end of Year 1. This is the 6th year of the test. The assessment is compulsory and is designed to confirm whether individual children have learnt phonic decoding to an appropriate standard.
Phonics Phonics is a method used to teach children how to read and spell. We teach phonics everyday in school using a variety of different reading and spelling methods and schemes. Phonics is taught in a structured way, as research shows this is the most effective way. In school, we are continually assessing the children to ensure they are learning and applying phonics in both their reading and spelling.
Content of the Check crit The check comprises of 40 words The list will be a combination of real and nonsense words, which rely purely on decoding. The nonsense words will have a picture of an alien next to them, eg crit
Content of the Check The check will have several words which contain digraphs and trigraphs, as well as single letter sounds. Children will need to be able to read these as units of sound, for example b oa t instead of trying to blend b o a t. These will also be in the nonsense words, for example; sroap, frike, gight, stoil.
Administering the Check The check will be carried out on a one-to-one basis with a teacher. It will be carried out in the week commencing 12th June. If your child is ill during this week, the check can be taken the following week. We aim to ensure the children see the check as just an other part of their phonics lessons.
After the Check We are legally obliged to inform you how your child is progressing in phonics and if they have reached the standard requirement. You will be informed if your child has met the standard requirement when you receive their report. Children who do not meet the standard requirement will take the test again in June of Year 2.