Faces of London
Westminster Abbey Big Ben The Houses of Parliament The Tower of London Buckingham Palace Tourists
Want to visit and see To hear A bell On the radio
Tourists in London always want to ---Westminster and see --- . They want to see the --- and to --- the bells. --- is really a bell. You hear it every hour --- .
From the river Cruel history The oldest part Don’t live The Queen
You can see the Tower of London from --- The Tower of London is very ---. It has a long and cruel ---. The --- is the oldest part of ---. Now the King and --- of Britain don’t live in ---. When the Queen is in ---, she stays in ---.
Symbol Coronation Famous people Diana
--- is a symbol of England --- is a symbol of England. The coronation of all --- and --- takes place in ---.Princess of Wales --- is buried there.
Famous Clock Country’s Leaders Beside the river Westminster Bridge
The famous clock --- stands near the ---. The country’s leaders speak in the ---. The Houses of Parliament stands beside ---. You can see the Houses of --- from Westminster---.
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