PIMMAG 2017 OIL SPILL RESPONSE TRAINING CALENDAR Course Type Code Date Location Venue Operator 74/17 OPT √ 15-16 March Port Dickson Lexis 75/17 OPT 24-25 May Kemaman Legend 76/17 OPT 23-24 August Labuan Billion Waterfront Supervisory 32/17 SUP √ 05-06 April 33/17 SUP 19 - 20 July 11-12 Octber Management 24/17 MGT 06-07 December Inland Oil Spill 24/17 IOS √ 15-16 February SCAT cancelled 01/17 SCT 19-20 July Note: Attendance at the course, including lunch and coffee breaks are free of charge for PIMMAG members. However, participants are responsible for arranging and paying for their travel and hotel expenses. There is a maximum number that can be accommodated for each course and to avoid disappointment we request that you complete the Course Registration Form early and return it to: Capt Chin Kon Wing Tel: +603 2783 6998 Fax: +603 2783 6992 Handphone: +6019 3131 631 E-mail: Website: Open Open