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Cupressus forbessii Glyptostrobus pensilis Pittermann et al. (2010) Plant Physiol.
5 The significance of xylem hydraulic plasticity for reconstructing past environments: Kippel, May 15th – 17th 2012
6 Jansen et al. (2012) PC&E
Larch vs SpruceDry vs Wet
Results: pits torus vs margoaperture vs torusaperture vs margo
Results: pits 9 ApertureTorus Margo Area torus over aperture Area margo over torus
Results: tracheid 10 The significance of xylem hydraulic plasticity for reconstructing past environments: Kippel, May 15 th – 17 th 2012 length width
Results: tracheid 11 The significance of xylem hydraulic plasticity for reconstructing past environments: Kippel, May 15 th – 17 th 2012 lengthwidth