OVERARCHING OBJECTIVES OF OMC: To promote: Social cohesion, equality between men and women and equal opportunities through adequate, accessible, financially sustainable, adaptable and efficient social protection systems and inclusion policies Effective and mutual interaction between the Europe 2020 Strategy objectives of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, taking full account of the relevant social provisions of the Lisbon Treaty Good governance, transparency and involvement of stakeholders in design, implementation and monitoring of policy Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF
NATIONAL STRATEGIC REPORTS: Translating EU common objectives into National Plans for: Social Inclusion Pensions Health and Long-Term Care Plans usually cover a 3 year period Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF
Malta’s Previous NAP Cycles Joint Inclusion Memorandum (2003) National Action Plan on Poverty and Social Exclusion (2004-2006) National Report on Strategies for Social Protection and Social Inclusion (2006-2008) National Report on Strategies for Social Protection and Social Inclusion (2008-2010) Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF
Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF 2012: NSR STRUCTURE New EU Guidelines for 2012 NSR Covers 1 year period Be coherent to 2012 National Reform Programmes Cover 3 strands of Social OMC Set out concrete measures taken or to be taken in 2011 and 2012 Approximately 10 pages Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF
Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF 2012: NSR Time-line Practical Arrangements Submission at the same time of the National Reform Programmes Deadline: mid-April 2012 Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF
Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF 2012: Key challenges Increasing the overall employment rate, particularly through the inclusion of women and vulnerable groups Pursuing the commitment to reduce early school leaving and educational underachievement; Promoting greater availability of adequate and affordable housing; Combating the intergenerational transmission of poverty and social exclusion; Promoting equality and diversity; Reforming the social protection system to ensure its sustainability, adequacy and comprehensiveness; Improving access, quality and adequacy of health and long-term care. Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF
Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF Priority objectives Social Inclusion: Advancement of i) children and young persons’ well-being, ii) active inclusion, iii) active ageing and iv) equality of opportunities. Pensions: Sustain reform and strengthen further the i) adequacy and ii) sustainability of pensions Health and long-term care: Improvement of i) access, ii) quality, iii) adequacy and iv) sustainability of services. Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF
Macro economic strategy Convergence with Malta’s overall macro economic strategy, aimed at: Ensuring stability and financial sustainability, Developing economic activity by attracting investment and creating more and better jobs Sustaining investment in infrastructure, the energy sector and the environment. Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF
Poverty and social exclusion In its contribution to the Europe 2020 Strategy poverty reduction headline target, Malta in agreement with the Commission established a national target of lifting around 6,560 people out of risk of poverty and social exclusion by 2020 Specific focus on those who experience consistent poverty by being both: at risk of poverty materially deprived Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF
Malta: Poverty situation Total Population – At risk of poverty rate (2010) M: 15.5% EU: 16.4% In line with trend experienced in other EU Member States, children, elderly people and other vulnerable groups, particularly those unemployed or living in jobless households have a higher risk of poverty Children: M 20.4% (EU: 20.5%) Elderly: M 18.8% (EU: 15.9%) Population in Jobless Households: M 7.5% (EU: 10.5%) (People aged 18-59) Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF
KEY VULNERABLE GROUPS: Comprehensive social inclusion strategy for all but specific focus on: Children and young people Older persons People living in jobless households Relating priority attention to these target populations is seen to relate an effective and sustainable social inclusion strategy, by focusing on the most vulnerable and relating wider and long term effect on social cohesion in general. Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF
CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE Priority policy objective will be addressed through measures that advance children and young persons: personal development well-being rights, interests and responsibilities The publication of a National Children Policy Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF
CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE Personal development Continuation of the reform in the educational system Construction and modernisation of educational institutions Promotion of further and higher education and life-long learning Promotion of inclusive education Promotion of science and technology education Improving Research and Mobility in Education and Training Strengthening the sustainability of private schools Consolidation of measures that enhance informal learning, active citizenship, and engagement in sports and creativity Consolidation of a range of services, schemes and measures to increase youth employment Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF
CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE Well-being Improving psychological services Creating better conditions for families Protection of Children Rights, Interests and Responsibilities Community mobilisation and awareness on Children’s and Young people’s rights A review of the Juvenile Justice System Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF
Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF ELDERLY PEOPLE Priority policy objective will be addressed through measures that: Promote active ageing and extend healthy life expectancy and quality of life, through enabling sustained participation in social, economic, cultural, and civic affairs. Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF
Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF ELDERLY PEOPLE Old Age Security Provision of adequate income support Health and Well-being Consolidating and expanding institutional long-term care Assisting dementia patients Active Participation in Society Consolidating and expanding independent living Promoting the employability prospects of older workers Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF
Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF JOBLESS HOUSEHOLDS Priority policy objective will be addressed through a pro-active inclusion aimed at strengthening the potential of citizens to lead them towards greater self-actualisation, autonomy and empowerment through: adequate income support inclusive labour market quality social services Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF
Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF JOBLESS HOUSEHOLDS Adequate income support Undertaking a review of the social security system Undertaking a review of the taxation system Access to inclusive labour markets Investing in the creative economy Increasing investment in human capital Investing in small and medium enterprises Promoting inclusive Labour Markets Incentivising activism Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF
Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF JOBLESS HOUSEHOLDS Access to quality social services Enhance work life balance and consolidate family friendly measures Enhance affordability of social services Promote affordable and adequate housing Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF
OTHER VULNERABLE GROUPS Apart from children, elderly and people living in jobless households, other vulnerable groups will be addressed by the strategy such as persons with: Mental health difficulties Disability Different sexual orientations Different life-styles Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF
OTHER VULNERABLE GROUPS Promoting the social inclusion prospects of vulnerable groups Combating mental health difficulties Extending and improving quality of services for persons with a disability Combating Discrimination and promoting equality Amending and Enacting legislation to promote diversity and combat discrimination Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF
OTHER VULNERABLE GROUPS Mainstreaming social inclusion and anti-discrimination issues Promoting good governance and involvement through sustained investment in the voluntary Sector Better coordination between macro and micro-economic policies and synergy with the other headline targets, and wider context of the Europe 2020 Strategy. Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF
Adequate and sustainable pensions Malta’s strategy for modernising its pension system and ensuring its adequacy and sustainability is presented in its National Reform Programme Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF
Health and long-term care Malta’s Health and long-term care strategy is addressed at improving Access Quality Adequacy Sustainability of services. Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF
Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF Accessibility Enhancing access to information on health services Enhancing access to health and long term care services and new treatments Consolidating pharmaceutical provision Ensuring equity in access Construction and modernization of medical institutions Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF
Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF Quality Enhancing Community based responses Consolidating quality in Long term care services Developing Health care standards Ensuring Patient Safety Upgrading Healthcare facilities Combating cancer Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF
Adequacy and Sustainability Enhancing Disease Prevention and Health Promotion through Improving Long Term Care services Consolidating Governance Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF
Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF We appreciate your attendance at this meeting and look forward to hearing from you. To contact us - Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate Ministry for Justice, Dialogue and the Family 310, Republic Street, Valletta - VLT 2000 Tel: + 356 2590 3370 Fax: + 356 2590 3379 E-mail: Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF
Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF Thank You Policy Development and EU Affairs Directorate MJDF