Twenty Questions Viruses and Bacteria
Twenty Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1. What do streptococci bacteria look like?
2. When treated with Gram stain, Gram positive bacteria appear… Purple
3. Bacteria are sometimes called nature’s recyclers because they… Break down nutrients in dead matter/decompose dead matter
4. All viruses are made of proteins and…. Nucleic acids (DNA or RNA)
5. Which of the following pathogens are the smallest. A. Virus B 5. Which of the following pathogens are the smallest? A. Virus B. Bacteria C. Fungi D. Protists Virus
6. Bioremediation uses microbes to… Clean up pollutants
7. Prokaryotes reproduce usually by: Binary fission
8. A viral disease that can occur in childhood and then reappear in adulthood in a more serious form is…. Chicken pox
9. Which organisms are capable of living in extreme environments? Archae or Archaebacteria
10. Antibiotics do not treat most colds because most colds are caused by: A. Drug-resistant bacteria B. Cold temperatures C. Influenza viruses D. Viral pathogens C. Influenza viruses
11. Bacteria that are clustered together like grapes have the formation of: Staphylo….
12. Which bacteria will you most likely find in very salty water? Halophiles
13. Bacteria cells do not have: A. Cell membrane B. Cell wall C 13. Bacteria cells do not have: A. Cell membrane B. Cell wall C. Chromosome D. Mitochondria D. Mitochondria
14. Unlike lytic viruses, lysogenic viruses do not…. Destroy (lyse) the host cell right away
15.Bacteria that cannot live without oxygen are called... Obligate aerobes
16. Which of the following diseases are NOT caused by a bacterium. A 16. Which of the following diseases are NOT caused by a bacterium? A. Tooth decay B. Tuberculosis C. AIDS D. Salmonella food poisoning C. AIDS
17. Bacteriophages are …. Viruses that infect bacteria cells.
18. A lytic infection ends with… The bursting or lysis of the host cell
19. A viral capsid is made of? Proteins
20. Name 2 things that may lead to antibiotic resistance in bacteria Overuse of antibiotics – doctors prescribing it for viral infections. Antibiotics mixed in with the feed of live stock. Patients not completing their dosage of antibiotics.