How to use this guide: This guide is designed to help you determine if you need a sodium azide decontamination After reading our intro pages you will be brought to a quiz. Click on the answer that best applies to your workplace. You will receive custom responses based on your answers. By the end of the quiz, you will have a clearer idea if you need a sodium azide decontamination. Next Do you need a sodium azide decontamination?
What is sodium azide? A poisonous crystalline salt (NaN3) used is used in many hospitals, labs and other healthcare facilities Next Do you need a sodium azide decontamination?
Why would I need a decontamination? Metal azide presents a severe explosion risk when shocked or heated. When sodium azide is improperly discharged into metal piping (lead and copper) it can create metal azide salts that cause an explosion. Next Do you need a sodium azide decontamination?
Why would I need a decontamination? (Continued) When sodium azide containing equipment leaks or discharges and contacts metals, it can create metal azide salts that can cause an explosion. Sodium azide is a mutagen and can cause cancer. Next Do you need a sodium azide decontamination?
Begin Quiz! Do you need a sodium azide decontamination?
Are you using sodium azide? Yes I don’t know No Do you need a sodium azide decontamination?
Sodium azide may be used… As a chemical preservative of samples and reagents in hospitals and laboratories For chemistry For hematology For hematology analyzers Next Do you need a sodium azide decontamination?
If no one knows if you’re using sodium azide… …the best thing to do is obtain Materials Safety Data Sheets/Safety Data Sheets for suspect materials and review constituents for sodium azide. Next Do you need a sodium azide decontamination?
Are you using sodium azide? Yes No Do you need a sodium azide decontamination?
Are you discharging the sodium azide? I don’t know No Yes Do you need a sodium azide decontamination?
When we say discharging we mean… Getting rid of the sodium azide by pouring, pumping or draining into wastewater piping. If you’re containerizing instead of discharging; make sure you’re taking the appropriate precautions. Not sure what those are? Ask an expert. Ask an Expert Next Do you need a sodium azide decontamination?
Are you discharging the sodium azide? Yes No Do you need a sodium azide decontamination?
Is the plumbing structure you’re discharging into non-metallic? I don’t know Yes No Do you need a sodium azide decontamination?
Non-metallic plumbing is… Plumbing made of non-metal material that won't react with lab chemicals Plumbing that is designed to safely manage laboratory wastewater containing chemicals If you’re not sure, have someone come in to inspect it for you Schedule an Inspection Next Do you need a sodium azide decontamination?
Is the plumbing you’re using non-metallic? Yes No Do you need a sodium azide decontamination?
Do you have the correct processes and procedures in place for discharging? I don’t know Yes No Do you need a sodium azide decontamination?
Proper sodium azide discharge processes and procedures… Understand and follow the National institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) guidance and regulations. Next Do you need a sodium azide decontamination?
Proper sodium azide discharge processes and procedures… (Continued ) Best management practices include: Disposing of azide only into designated sinks Flushing azide with copious amounts of water right after discharge for at least 15 minutes For safety reasons if you’re not sure if you have been following procedure, assume you haven’t. Next Do you need a sodium azide decontamination?
Do you have the correct processes and procedures in place for discharging? Yes No Do you need a sodium azide decontamination?
Is everyone aware of the hazard? Is it clearly labeled? I don’t know Yes No Do you need a sodium azide decontamination?
Sodium azide awareness… Ask those responsible for sodium azide discharge if they’re aware of the proper procedures and if they have been following them without fail. If you are discharging or have equipment which uses sodium azide containing solutions, know how spent reagents are handled and be careful of leaks. Next Do you need a sodium azide decontamination?
Proper sodium azide labeling is… Visible, clear and concise. Everything containing/using sodium azide should be labeled. Here’s an example: Next Do you need a sodium azide decontamination?
Is everyone aware of the hazard? Is it clearly labeled? Yes No Do you need a sodium azide decontamination?
Are you sure you answered all of the previous questions accurately? I don’t know Yes No Do you need a sodium azide decontamination?
We ask this because… In this situation, answering that you are sure about something when you are not is dangerous. It could cause an explosion and employee injuries. Next Do you need a sodium azide decontamination?
Are you sure you answered all of the previous questions accurately? Yes No Do you need a sodium azide decontamination?
Please restart the quiz and make sure all answers are 100% accurate Start Over Do you need a sodium azide decontamination?
Congratulations! You probably do NOT need a sodium azide decontamination. Feel free to call our experts just to make sure! Ask an Expert Do you need a sodium azide decontamination?
Request a Consultation There’s a possibility for sodium azide contamination. You should have someone come in to do a professional inspection and determine if you need decontamination. Request a consultation below. Request a Consultation Do you need a sodium azide decontamination?