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Gunpowder Empires Essential Questions: What similarities and differences existed between the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal empires?
Gunpowder Empire – an empire formed by outside conquerors who unified the regions that they conquered through their mastery of firearms
Conquered large area of land using gunpowder weapons and Janissaries The Ottoman Empire Founded in 1289 by Osman Conquered large area of land using gunpowder weapons and Janissaries Elite soldiers recruited from the local Christian population (Converted to Islam) Loyal to the Sultan
Territorial Expansion The Ottoman Empire Territorial Expansion Conquered Constantinople in 1453 Under Mehmed II (the conqueror) Event influences Age of Exploration Jerusalem, Mecca, and Medina -> New Caliphate established Reached height during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent
The Ottoman Empire Political Structure Sultan – “holder of power” / military and political leader Hereditary / Not always the oldest (what do you think the result of this will be?) Harem – “sacred place” or home of the sultan The queen mother, or sultan’s mother, held significant political power
The Ottoman Empire Ottoman = Sunni Muslim Religiously tolerant -> Non-Muslims paid a tax or were allowed to convert to Islam
Safavid Empire Located in Persia (Modern day Iraq and Iran) Adherents of Shia Islam Not as religiously tolerant -> Forced the conversion of conquered people Continuously clashed with the Ottomans
Mughal Empire Established a Sunni Muslim dynasty in India using gunpowder weapons
Mughal Empire Akbar was the greatest Mughal ruler He promoted religious tolerance between Hindus and Muslims Why didn’t they initially get along?
Mughal Empire Akbar was the greatest Mughal ruler He promoted religious tolerance between Hindus and Muslims Why didn’t they initially get along?
Aurangzeb (Akbar’s grandson) however was intolerant of Hindus Mughal Empire Aurangzeb (Akbar’s grandson) however was intolerant of Hindus Destroyed/prohibited Hindu temples Tried to eliminate Sati, cremating a widow on her husband’s funeral pyre
Mughal Empire Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal as a tomb for his dead wife.
Essential Question What similarities and differences existed between the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal empires?
review The only Gunpowder Empire of this time period to adhere to the Shia sect of Islam.
Review The sack of this city by the Ottoman Empire in 1453 motivated Europeans to try and find alternate routes to Asia.
Review Elite warriors of the Ottoman Empire that were drafted from the conquered Christian population.
Review The cultural practice of women throwing themselves onto the funeral pyre of their dead husbands is called…
Review This Mughal ruler is known for his religious tolerance of Hindu people in India.
Autopsy of Empire Part One: Give me a clear picture of what this empire was like during healthier times, broken down into the following categories: Head: Significant Leaders & Accomplishments Hands: Art, Architecture & Tech. Advances Legs: Labor Systems Spine: Political Structure Ribs: Societal Infrastructure Heart: Religious Beliefs Feet: Trade Routes / Goods Traded Part Two: Autopsy What led to decline? What weakened it? What led to their demise?