Melons The wonder fruit !
Cantaloupe Cantaloupe Actually called a muskmelon,this familiar fruit with orange flesh and khaki netted colored skin provides the most beta- carotene in the entire melon family. Select melons that are slightly golden with a light fragrant smell 9an indication of its ripeness).Cantaloupe is typically available year- round,with a June through August peak season.
Honeydew Honeydew-The sweetest of all the melons and averaging 5-6 pounds, honeydew melons have a creamy yellow rind when ripe and pale green flesh. It’s best from June thought October,but is available year round.
Casaba Casaba- Un like the other melons, casaba melons do not have an aroma. This is a large melon that is pale yellow when ripe and has white flesh with a sweet taste. This melon peaks in fall, but starts showing up in markets in july through December.
Crenshaw Crenshaw-These melons can weigh up to ten pounds and deliver a unique sweet and spicy flavor. They are a hybrid between the casaba and Persian melon with a yellowish skin and a salmon colored flesh. peak season for Crenshaw melons is August-September .
Santa Claus This melon is also known as the Christmas melon because it peaks during the month of december. This variety is similar to the watermelon with green and gold stripes, but it is about about foot long and isn’t as sweet .
Persian Persian- This melon is quite similar to the Cantaloupe, but it is slightly larger in size, has a reener rind, and on the outside it has finer netting. Persian melons peak season is August - September.
Charentais melons Charentais is a type of true cantaloupe from Europe (what Americans call cantaloupes are actually muskmelons.) Thin, smooth skin with light green stripes, maturing to creamy yellow. Orange flesh is fine-textured, delightfully scented and very sweet. You won't find Charentais in your grocery store - it's thin skin and high sugar content make it fragile to ship when ripe. Enjoy its vine- ripened perfection straight from your garden - one of the sweetest rewards of home gardening.
Watermelon Watermelon- Is an American favorite for a snack ,meals & picnic’s everywhere. Although its the fruit that’s really a vegetable. Watermelon has been traced back to Africa and is part of the Cucumber and squash family. Today’s verities are firmer, larger, and sweeter. Some can reach the size of 262 lbs according to Guinness book of world records. Comes in manny different shapes and sizes, and colors as well.
Horned Melon Horned Melon -The horned melon was originally from southwestern Africa. The emerald green flesh of the fruit contains soft, edible seeds. Its flavor is reminiscent of melon and cucumber, with a hint of lime and banana.Horned melon juice can be used instead of vinegar in a vinaigrette. For a thirst- quenching drink, add lemon or lime juice, sugar and orange liqueur to horned melon juice. Its flesh can be used in sauces, soups, salads, sorbets
Pepino melon Pepino melons are not really melons; they are the fruit of a South American evergreen and actually related to the tomato and the eggplant. Sometimes they are called tree melons, or melon pears. They have been cropping up in the grocery store lately and we were intrigued by the beautiful stripes and teardrop shape.