Solar Probe Plus FIELDS Main Electronics Package iPER Agenda Feb 2, 2017
Review Team
Purpose The Instrument PER (I-PER) has two main purposes: To evaluate the planned environmental test and calibration plans, test flow, and ground support equipment and facilities to assure that they meet the instrument needs To assure that a proper baseline of performance has been established for the instrument, and that it is ready to begin a qualification test program to demonstrate end-to-end or system performance Top level I-PER assumptions are : All flight hardware is fabricated and tested at the board/component level; Flight Instrument is assembled and initial Comprehensive Performance Test (CPT) is complete; All flight software functions have been coded and unit-, integration-, and system-tested; The test verification matrix is complete with updates for tests that have completed; Test procedures include stimuli, measurement tolerances, and contamination control; Test facilities have been identified and are approved for use; Baseline test plan is distributed; Test Procedures are available for review; Exceptions to “test as you fly; fly as you test” are documented.
SPP/FIELDS MEP Two Sides Each has a Spacecraft I/F Each has a Magnetometer Each has Antenna Biasing Each has a Power Supply FIELDS1 also has Data Controller Board Radio Frequency Spectrometer Digital Fields Board SCM Calibration Control Absolute Time Sequencer TDS I/F FIELDS2 also has Time Domain Sampler DCB I/F SWEAP I/F MEP
SPP/FIELDS Unchanged from CDR Five voltage sensors V2 electric antenna Unchanged from CDR Five voltage sensors Two Fluxgate magnetometers One Search-Coil Magnetometer Main Electronics Package V3 electric antenna MAGi, MAGo MEP V4 electric antenna V5, SCM V1 electric antenna
Entrance Criteria
References and Document List Source:
Success Criteria