UNCLASSIFIED Department of Defense, Advanced Distributive Learning Initiative iFest 2017, Alexandria, Virginia 02 August 2017 Education for Leaders in the Digital Age Evolving Requirements and Technology-Enabled Practice Dr. Cathy Downes Professor National Defense University College of Information and Cyberspace Washington D.C. The views and information presented are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the policies of the U.S. Department of Defense, the National Defense University or the College of Information and Cyberspace UNCLASSIFIED
Training Education Future and long haul Today or near term Synthesis Multiple Possible Answers No Answer Critical Thinking WHAT and WHY Know what you don’t know Cognitive Capabilities Create, Synthesize, Evaluate Cognition Today or near term Task Deconstruction Correct/Incorrect Answers Memorization HOW Know it all Skill Competencies Know, Apply Cognition
Observation: Not everything that counts can be counted, UNCLASSIFIED Observation: Not everything that counts can be counted, And not everything that can be counted counts.* Quantitative data measurement and analytics designed to test and improve learning in training situations should not be transposed uncritically to education situations * Attributed to Albert Einstein UNCLASSIFIED
Unbalanced Contemporary Foci Strong focus on Technical and Tactical - B2 (Bits and Bytes) and C2 (Coding and Computer Networks) Weaker focus more on “big” Cyberspace, Uses and Power Strong Focus on economic/ privacy consequences/risks/ impacts Need to focus on root causes, not just symptom mitigation Need better, richer and smarter understanding and leveraging of the strategic features of the fifth dimension – others already have! Cyber Technologies Cyber Security Cyber Uses
UNCLASSIFIED “When we compare [the] unique and defining characteristics of cyberspace, it is evident that the major trajectories, dynamics and consistencies of international relations, established particularly through-out most of 20th century cannot be readily or uncritically imported into international relations in and through cyberspace in the 21st century.” Choucri, Nazli, (2012) Cyberpolitics in International Relations (Cambridge Mass. MIT Press), p. 4 UNCLASSIFIED
Government Cyber Education UNCLASSIFIED Government Cyber Education Who What Cyber Security Technicians Cyber Security Leaders AND…… National Security Policy and Strategy Leaders and Advisers Not just CIO/CTO /CKO/CISO/J-6/ Sigs/Coms Dynamics of Cyberspace, Cyber Power and BRIN Technologies (not just cyber security hacks, apps, wares) Strategies, Policies, Campaigns, Threats and Vectors Designing, Building, Leading Cyber- enabled Organizations, Countries and Alliances Social and Behavioral Sciences (International Relations, Sociology, Psychology) as well as STEM Digital Literacies UNCLASSIFIED
Digital Literacies Functional Area Skills E-Safety, Privacy Creativity UNCLASSIFIED Digital Literacies Functional Area Skills E-Safety, Privacy Identity Creativity Critical Thinking and Evaluation Effective Communi-cation Cultural and Social Under- standing Collaboration Find, Select, Verify Information Digital Ecosystem Evolution UNCLASSIFIED
Alvin Toffler The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.
Leveraging Emergent Educational Technologies NEEDS: Harness, encourage, facilitate and recognize educational innovators to design, test, and deploy new educational experiences that leverage and adapt emergent technologies for the educational mission Design and resource professional development programs to assist existing faculty members to develop their own digital literacies, competency and confidence. Stop satisficing on Content Management Systems designed for institutional administrative needs, at the expense of learning needs.
Leveraging Emergent Educational Technologies NEEDS: Rethink Lump-Clump-Chunk education/employment approach and integrate personalized learning network concepts for continuous learning. Develop, appoint, academic institutional leaders who lead, value, champion educational technology innovation and application. Develop Open, Sharable Learning Objects Repositories (particularly active learning activities, images, videos, data). Prioritize helping students (and faculty) to develop their digital literacies and digitally-enabled strategies for continuous learning, teaching, mentoring, and leading.
UNCLASSIFIED CONTACT! Cathy Downes Ph.D. Professor College of Information and Cyberspace National Defense University US 202-685-2949 downesc@ndu.edu UNCLASSIFIED