Demo : Introduction to BlueMix Sandhya Kapoor May 28, 2014
BlueMix Dashboard
BlueMix Catalog
Cambridge IBM Innovation Center
Cambridge IBM Innovation Center
Cambridge IBM Innovation Center
Cambridge IBM Innovation Center
Cambridge IBM Innovation Center
Cambridge IBM Innovation Center Application Hosting & GIT URL Cambridge IBM Innovation Center
Cambridge IBM Innovation Center
Cambridge IBM Innovation Center
Remember, this boilerplate connected the web app server with the simple default app to a backend data cache (Elastic Caching as a Service, ECaaS)
Cambridge IBM Innovation Center
Cambridge IBM Innovation Center
Cambridge IBM Innovation Center
Cambridge IBM Innovation Center
Cambridge IBM Innovation Center
Cambridge IBM Innovation Center Please click on View Guide for details on how to download, modify and push the modified application code to BlueMix. To update the code, you can use IBM DevOps Services(IDS), or GitHub or Eclipse. Cambridge IBM Innovation Center
IBM Cambridge Innovation Center View Guide > IBM Cambridge Innovation Center
Cambridge IBM Innovation Center Install CloudFoundry Tool Cambridge IBM Innovation Center
Cambridge IBM Innovation Center Use CloudFoundry commands to connect to BlueMix and login to BlueMix Cambridge IBM Innovation Center
Cambridge IBM Innovation Center Download the starter application package, extract the code, modify it and push to BlueMix using `cf push` command. Cambridge IBM Innovation Center
Cambridge IBM Innovation Center Use IDE and Source Code repository of your choice e.g. Eclipse IBM DevOps Services GitHub etc. Cambridge IBM Innovation Center
Cambridge IBM Innovation Center After modifying code, build .war file using your IDE of choice: Eclipse, IBM DevOps Services or GITHub, and push the code to Bluemix using`cf push` Cambridge IBM Innovation Center
Remember, this boilerplate connected the web app server with the simple default app to a backend data cache (Elastic Caching as a Service, ECaaS) BlueMix Operations