APAN Application Technology Area HDTV WG Reports Date : 2005.8.25 20th APAN Meeting @ Taipei
HDTV WG Meeting (8.24) Reports: Member reports & updates (ALL) Uncompressed HDTV over IP Trials (GIST JongWon Kim on behalf of ANF HDTV WG) - Stereo HDV over IP: System update and its demonstration (Kiyoung Lee – GIST) Discussions (all participants) Discussion on HDTV over IP collaboration to promote collaboration on Uncompressed HDTV & HDV Charter Review (if required)
HDTV & AG Session #1 Presentations (8.25) Putting the "Ultra" in UltraGrid: Full rate Uncompressed HDTV Video Conferencing (USC ISI Ladan Gharai & Univ of Glasgow Colin Perkins) [Remote] High Definition Video over IP status in Australia (AARNet Andrew Howard) Low Latency HD: the 'Shared Spaces' and 'Undersea Window' Projects (Jeremy Cooperstock and John Roston - McGill University)
HDTV & AG Session #1 Presentations (8.25) (Cont.) i-Visto: Uncompressed HDTV over IP Transmission System for TV Broadcasting Industries (Tetsuo Kawano, Kenji Shimizu, Tsuyoshi Ogura, Hiroyuki Kimiyama, Mitsuru Maruyama, and Keiji Harada - Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation) Stereo HDV over IP: System update and its demonstration (Kiyoung Lee, Seokhee Lee, and JongWon Kim - GIST) [Demo]
HDTV & AG Session #2 Presentations (8.25) Progress with Access Grid Clustered Displays and PAL/NTSC Video [Remote Presentation via AG] (Christoph Willing - University of Queensland) High quality video support for the AG (JongWon Kim and ACE Project Team – GIST) Integration of Advanced Video/Speech Codecs for Access Grids (Barz Hsu - NCHC)
HDTV WG HDTV@APAN.NET ? Contact: Chair JongWon Kim (GIST) jongwon@gist.ac.kr See http://hdtv.nm.gist.ac.kr for related info