OBJECTIVES On completion of this session, you should be able to… 1. Explain health trends in relation to ethnicity and age. 2. Provide an account of three sociological explanations of health trends relating to ethnicity and age.
ETHNICITY - statistics Babies born to immigrant Pakistani mothers are more than twice as likely to die in their first week of life as the babies of British-born mothers.
ETHNICITY - statistics Health inequalities are also seen among different ethnic groups: The White Gypsy or Irish Traveller groups, identified for the first time in the 2011 Census, have particularly poor health. Both men and women have twice the White British rates of limiting long-term illness. 50% of all men aged 65 or older reported a limiting long-term illness, but 69% of Bangladeshi older men reported being ill. 56% of all women aged 65 or older reported a limiting long-term illness, but this was reported by 70% of Pakistani and Bangladeshi women. Conversely, the Chinese group reported consistently better health: half or under half the White British rate for both men and women. (‘Ethnic Health Inequalities 1991–2011’, ESRC Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity, October 2013) Question: What reasons can you suggest for these differences? (Think of social class, area and cultural differences.)
Health Trends and Stratification Ethnic differences There are differences in health issues between ethnic groups: Biological / natural Cultural / behavioural Structural/ material
Health Trends and Stratification Ethnic differences BIOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES High rates of sickle cell anaemia amongst Afro-Caribbeans, amongst people of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern descent; due to ‘faulty’ genes inherited from parents
Health Trends and Stratification Ethnic differences CULTURAL DIFFERENCES Higher rates of heart disease amongst Asians has been linked to the use of ghee in cooking. Difficulties in communication and language barriers.
Afro-Caribbeans and some Asians are more Health Trends and Stratification Ethnic differences STRUCTURAL DIFFERENCES Afro-Caribbeans and some Asians are more likely to be affected by the same issues as the lower classes.
Population increase in different age brackets AGE – STATISTICS It is estimated that between 1991-2031 the total population of England and Wales will rise by 8%. Population increase in different age brackets Age range Percentage increase 45-59 60-74 75-84 85+ 15 43 48 138
Older people are more than twice as likely as those below the age of 65 to die from heart disease and more than five times more likely to have a heart attack. Despite this Age Concern found that 20% of coronary care units operate an age-related admissions policy. A further 40% limit the allocation of “clot busting” drugs to the elderly.
Health Trends and Stratification Age differences There are differences in health issues between those of different ages: Biological / natural Cultural / behavioural Structural/ material
Health Trends and Stratification Age differences STRUCTURAL DIFFERENCES Elderly groups receive less expenditure relative to need. Elderly are more likely to suffer with poverty. Some health authorities have placed age limits on certain treatments and screening programmes (63% of women with breast cancer are over 65, yet the over 64s are excluded from routine screenings).
Face transport difficulties. Health Trends and Stratification Age differences STRUCTURAL DIFFERENCES Face transport difficulties. Denied certain treatments and screening programmes. Unable to afford the costs of private health care.
The elderly may fail to eat well. The elderly may exercise less. Health Trends and Stratification Age differences CULTURAL DIFFERENCES The elderly may fail to eat well. The elderly may exercise less. The younger generation may binge drink more.
The ageing process means that people experience Health Trends and Stratification Age differences BIOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES The ageing process means that people experience more illness as they get older
SOCIOLOGY - HEALTH In conclusion there are many inequalities in the health status of individuals depending on class, age, gender and ethnicity. There are also a variety of reasons put forward for the differences in the statistics of different groups. THE END