A bit of history Since 1918 – part of the Czechoslovak Republic After 1948 – Communist‘s coup, member of Eastern bloc 1962 – decriminalised Still used to blackmail people 1990 – equalized age of consent
More recent history Since creation of independent Slovakia several active LGb...(t) organisations 2001 first attempt for legalisation of same-sex relationships (registered partnership) 2004 Antidiscirimination law 2008 gender and sexual orientation were added 2010 first Pride in Bratislava 2014 constitutional definition of marriage as a unique uninon between one man and one woman 2015 referendum „on family“
Slovakia now EU member since 2004 rather Christian country BUT after 40 years of Communism No legal recognition for percieved „same sex“ couples Transgender people: obligatory sterilisation and divorce Intersex: medical consilium decides the babys sex
Overview of LGBT+ organisations / initiatives Gay Christians – social gatherings for religious (mostly Christians) Iniciatíva Inakosť – lobby, advocacy Filmový festival inakosti – queer film festival Q-centrum – community and counselling centre Tepláreň – queer / gay parties Diversity PRO – diversity / LGBT in workplace Lotosové kvety / LGBT Workout – sports groups Saplinq – development of LGBT+ activists Rainbow PRIDE Bratislava – in the capital, since 2010 Košice PRIDE – second biggest city, since 2013 Transfúzia – advocacy, counselling, community for trans people BiCentrum – online resource centre for bi/non-binary people Nomantinels – queer theatre Inokraj – LGBT group in central Slovakia QYS Magazine – printed and online magazine with LGBT topics ... And probably some others
Saplinq Est. 2012 Mission: to build an established LGBT+ community, support LGBT+ initiatives, educate future LGBT+ leaders, build and expand networks of LGBT+ activists in Slovakia and unite them with activists from across Europe 3 programmes: Trainings, PRIDE Košice, Community and counselling center PRIZMA 1 staff, 2-3 contractors, small pool of trainers
Košice PRIDE Est. 2013 Doubling the amount of participants from 20 to 350 Decline of violence FB & website Sun, fun and unicorns
Challenges Who are we? Who is our target group? Struggling to engage broader community / build community and respond to its needs Turning volunteers into activists Funding
Saplinq education projects NAOMIE – skills for human rights educators / trainers Peer2Share/Sharing is Caring – sharing and networking event Anti-bias approach in local youth work Drama Queens – theatre of the oppressed for LGBT+ youth workers
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