Internal Migration in India Group 6 Numrata Navada | Pankaj Yadav | Parul Trivedi | Pranita Agrawal | Yogendra Mistry
Importance and Benefits Internal Migration Internal migrants are 30% of India’s population and one-third of the world’s total internal migrants What is Internal Migration? The migration of persons within national borders. Primary Reasons Marriage Employment Importance and Benefits Better Work Environment Women Empowerment Social Remittances Urban Diversity Addresses Labour Shortage Long-term Migration Relocation Short-term/ Seasonal Migration Back and forth movement
Migrant Misfortunes Treated as second-class citizen/non-citizen No employment related social security Suffers due to “Sons of Soil” ideology Faces occupational health-hazards Given no role in decision making/politic-al exclusion Lacks documentary proof of residence Lacks basic entitlements Lacks facilities to send home remittances Receives no policy support Discriminated on ethnicity, religion and caste
Migrant Misfortunes Difficulty in obtaining birth certificate Paid lesser than male migrants Difficulty in obtaining birth certificate No maternity entitlements or special care Lacks regular health check-up and immunization Subject to health risks Suffers child abuse – child labor, sexual, drug abuse Vulnerable to sexual harassment and abuse Delayed school entry/high drop-out rate Absence of creches for her children Early marriage and pregnancies
Policy Recommendations Legal and Policy Frameworks Include internal migration in policy documents and national development plans Minimum wages and labour standards for migrants Pro-poor strategies to minimize distress nature of migration Universal national minimum social security package Revise relevant migration acts and prioritize implementation of existing labour laws Universal registration and ID issuance for workers Strengthen legislations to protect rights of migrant women and children Filling Knowledge and Research Gaps Sector-wise contribution of migrants and contribution to GDP Revise design of census and surveys on migration Conduct detailed countrywide mapping of internal migration. Increased research on sector wise contribution of migrants Assess seasonal and temporary migration and ensure joint planning between districts and states Collect data on contribution of women migrant workers towards remittances and national GDP
Policy Recommendations Institutional Planning and Preparation Ease of accessing public services Walk in resource centers for migrants – legal counselling and information Interventions for health protection – mobile health units Financial Services - Secure transfer of remittances Infrastructure - Seasonal accommodation for workers, day-care/residential facilities for children Include migrants in decision making and planning Pre-departure information and training to migrants Education – worksite school and credit transfer system for migrant children
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