Red Male Organ Do’s and Don’ts - Sunbathing Tips to Avoid Skin Damage


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Presentation transcript:

Red Male Organ Do’s and Don’ts - Sunbathing Tips to Avoid Skin Damage By John Dugan

Summer is right around the corner (at least in the northern hemisphere), which is good news for those who enjoy spending time outdoors in the sun – but which can also lead to a very red male organ for men who decide to engage in a little al fresco sunbathing. Whether a serious tanner or just a guy who wants to let it all hang out once in a while, any guy who is going to be exposing his tool to direct sunlight needs to engage in proper male organ care in order to avoid the pain and discomfort of a sunburned piece of equipment. And if the prospect of pain and discomfort isn't incentive enough, remember that a sunburned male organ is not going to be able to engage in intimacy until it has healed.

  Do take it slow. Especially when dealing with skin which is not accustomed to exposure to sunlight, it's best to take it in stages. Rather than expose this kind of skin to hours and hours of direct sunlight, a person should do it a little at a time. This is even truer when talking about the male organ skin: not only is this skin (in most cases) unused to direct exposure to the sunlight, but male organ skin is much thinner and more sensitive than skin on other parts of the body. A man definitely needs to "take it slow" when it comes to letting his member roam about al fresco, even though he is using sunscreen (the use of which will be addressed later).

This doesn't mean that a man can't plan to spend an entire day at the local clothing-optional beach if he so desires; but it does mean he needs to allow some "cover up" time. A rule of thumb for the beginner is to cover up the member every 30 minutes (or sooner on days when the sun is especially strong). Keeping the little guy covered for 15-20 minutes before unveiling it again is probably adequate, assuming that a man is confident that no burning has already occurred.

There are any number of cover-ups that can be employed, including:   A bathing suit. A jock strap. A towel. A bathrobe. A sheet. A large plastic or paper cup. A newspaper or magazine. Simply lying on the beach on the stomach.

Don’t forget the sunscreen. Using an appropriate sunscreen or sunblock is absolutely essential. There are scores of sunscreen products out there and picking the proper one can be confusing; however, whatever choice is made, it needs to have the following attributes in order to be most effective:   A Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 45 or higher. Most sunblock products proudly display their SPF number on the front. SPF generally refers to protection from UVB rays, but not to UVA rays. If a sunscreen is labeled as having a "broad spectrum UVA" number, that number refers to its effectiveness at blocking both UVA and UVB rays.

Water resistant/sweat resistant. Application as a lotion. Lotions are much more effective than spray-ons, which offer "spottier" coverage. No perfumes or added scents.   It's important to re-apply sunscreen at least every two hours, and after each dip in the pool or ocean.

After sunbathing Whether he has a sunburned red male organ or not, the wise man will wash his male organ with a gentle cleanser to remove any sand or dirt, then generously apply a high quality male organ vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) in order to ensure proper male organ moisturization. The key is to use a cream that includes a really superior emollient; shea butter is an excellent choice in this area, especially if it is included in a cream that also contains the natural hydrating power of vitamin E. The chosen cream should also include a range of other vitamins, such as A, B5 and C, which can help counteract effects from too much sun.