Integrated ISO ILL for staff users Lending requests – part one Yoel Kortick 2007
Receiving New Lending requests ILL lending (incoming) requests can be received via Electronic Format Non Electronic Format
Non Electronic Format Lending requests Non Electronic Format may include Telephone Fax e-mail Mail These requests must be entered manually into the system for handling.
Electronic Format Lending requests Requests can also be received in electronic format, in the ISO protocol standard In this case they enter the system without manual intervention. In this section we explain the procedures and forms for entering requests into the system manually.
Creating an ILL Lending Request There are two options for creating an ILL lending request: From the Lending menu From full record display in the Search tab
Creating an ILL Lending Request From the lending menu Click the Lending menu, or press ALT + L. Then click the relevant button for you chosen format (serial or non-serial), for example, Create New Serial Lending Request
Creating an ILL Lending Request Alternatively, the user can click the button at the far right of the Borrowing bar (for “Create New Serial Lending Request” or “Create New Non-Serial Lending Request”):
Creating an ILL Lending Request Whether using the menu or the button, the following new lending request form is displayed
Creating an ILL Lending Request It is also possible to create a Lending request from the full record display in Search mode After finding a relevant record, from the full bibliographic record display in the lower pane, click ILL Request:
Creating an ILL Lending Request After clicking “ILL Request” a pop up form will appear allowing user to choose “Borrowing Request” or “Lending Request”. Choose “Lending Request”.
Creating an ILL Lending Request Note that slightly different forms display, depending on where you initiate the request (from Main Menu or from Full Record), and depending on the material type (Serial or Non-serial). When the request operation is initiated on the Full Record in Search mode, the bibliographic information displays, but cannot be updated; the Serial request includes fields for specifying volume and issue information.
Creating an ILL Lending Request After completing the form, click Send. You will be transferred to the Functional mode in the Lending tab, where you can continue handling the request, by initiating the Locate function.
Creating an ILL Lending Request Library received Lending request for item of this record After retrieving record from search library clicks ILL Request to make request
Creating an ILL Lending Request After choosing “lending request” the user fills in the form and clicks ”send” Bibliographic information is filled into the form automatically from the record
After Creating an ILL Lending Request User is transferred to the Functional mode in the Lending tab, where he can continue handling the request, by initiating the Locate function. Lending tab The lending request we just made Functional mode
After Creating an ILL Lending Request User you can continue handling the request by initiating the Locate function. Locate
Locating an ILL Lending Request The Locate function can be either manual or automatic, depending on the setup of the ILL Unit. It is dependent on the ILL unit of the staff user who makes the ILL request (when made manually) To which the ILL request is made (when made via ISO ILL) The CCL string which makes the request comes from tab_locate
Locating an ILL Lending Request When the Locate function is performed one of the three results may occur: locate is successful locate finds more than one matching bibliographic record locate is unsuccessful
Locating an ILL Lending Request If locate is successful, the system prepares a printout, which includes the request details, and the local bibliographic and item details; the request status is changed to “Located and Printed”.
Locating an ILL Lending Request If locate finds more than one matching bibliographic record, the system prepares a printout, which includes the request details; the request status is changed to “Multiple Located and Printed”. A future version might allow configuration that will change status to “Multiple Located”, without any printout.
Locating an ILL Lending Request If locate is unsuccessful (“unsuccessful” can mean title not found, or, title found but no items found, depending on ILL Unit setup), the request status can change to “Mediated”, or to “Answer Unfilled” (depending on ILL Unit setup); in the case of Answer Unfilled, a message is sent to the requester. This is a terminal status.
Locating an ILL Lending Request with ue_19 Lending request is new ue_19 process request il-aleph02-18(1) USM40-YOELK>>grep 1367 $data_scratch/run_e_19.17386 2007-12-14 10:27:59 HANDLING LENDING REQUEST FROM USM40-000001367 Lending request status changes to Multiple Located
Unmediated Locate and the ILL Lending Request In the previous example the ”Locate” function occurred automatically because the ILL Unit of the staff use has “Unmediated Locate” in the lending tab of the Unit definitions
Handling New ILL Lending Requests When a new request is made it is initially assigned the status ‘NEW’ or ‘NEW – STAFF REVIEW’. If a requester note has been registered in the request, the request is automatically assigned the review status.
Handling New ILL Lending Requests If your processing is completely manual, you will begin processing new requests by choosing the ‘NEW’ and ‘NEW – STAFF REVIEW’ requests. There are various options available for automatic processing, all of which affect how you begin processing Lending requests. As mentioned previously, your processing will be manual if your ILL UNIT “Lending ILL Unit” tab does not have “ILL Unmediated Locate”
Retrieving New ILL Lending Requests The library may wish to retrieve the “New”, “Located” and other lending requests via the summary node of the lending tab in the GUI. After retrieving the library can process them.
Retrieving New ILL Lending Requests Alternatively, the library may wish to retrieve the lending requests via the service “Lending Library – ILL Requests Report (ill-65)” Here library has chosen to “Print Slips” and “Update Status”
Retrieving New ILL Lending Requests ILL-65 retrieves and update the status of Located, Multiple Located and New requests Request which were Located (LOC) will be updated to Located and Printed (LPR) Requests which were Multiple Located (MLC) will be updated to Multiple Located and Printed (MLP) Request which were in NEW status will be updated to New and Printed (NEP).
Retrieving New ILL Lending Requests Before ILL-65 with option “Print Slips” and “Update Status” After ILL-65 with option “Print Slips” and “Update Status” After ILL-65 the status of the requests includes “printed”
Printing New ILL Lending Requests The lending request status can be changed to “Printed” either manually or via ill-65.
Printing New ILL Lending Requests Here is a sample report from ill-65
Printing New ILL Lending Requests Here is a sample slip from ill-65 (also made online from list of requests)
Printing New ILL Lending Requests Regardless of whether the process is done “manually” or via “ill-65”, typically the requests are located and printed. The print slip is used to actually find the item on the library shelf and begin preparation to send to the requesting library.
Handling New ILL Lending Requests To handle new requests manually open the Lending tab (click the tab or press F6) and choose Summary mode. This is the starting-place for handling requests.
Handling New ILL Lending Requests In the right hand pane the requests may be filtered by “Requester ID”, “Open Date” and “Last Activity Date”.
Handling New ILL Lending Requests To work on a group of requests, highlight a line to select it, and click Select, or double-click the line. The Lending tab changes to Functional mode, where requests can be processed and actions can be taken.
Handling New ILL Lending Requests Click here … View requests here …
Handling New ILL Lending Requests To work with a request, select it in the upper pane. The request information displays in the lower pane in the first tab, for view only; the action buttons relevant for a new request are located to the right of the list in the upper pane. Additional action buttons are located in the tabs in the lower pane.
Handling New ILL Lending Requests the action buttons relevant for a new request are located to the right of the list in the upper pane The request information displays in the lower pane
Dealing with new Lending Requests The first task when dealing with new lending requests is to identify the bibliographic record in your catalog. If you created the request from the Search tab, you have already identified the record, and therefore you should skip the Locate action, and proceed to the next step.
Dealing with new Lending Requests Click the Locate button to initiate searching for the requested title in your catalog. You can display a “Locate Preview” window to review the “locate” process. To preview the Locate process: From the Lending menu, select “Preview on Locate”
Our situation here We now have the following situation: Staff user FRED has ILL UNIT STEAK_MU ILL UNIT STEAK_MU does not have “lending unmediated locate” checked in tab 4 “lending ill unit” for the unit definitions. In tab 2 “communication” the protocol type is “Letter”. Staff user FRED makes ILL lending request from search option for bibliographic record which he has found Patron ID STEAK_MU has been entered as a patron in circulation module
Search for record after receiving request Searched for record Found record Clicks ILL Request
Create new Lending Request In this case FRED chooses “Lending Request”:
Create new Lending Request Librarian chooses “STEAK_MU” as the “requester ID” This list includes only Requester IDs (ILL Units) with protocol type “Letter” and not “ISO TCP”. This is because if they were of type ISO TCP then they would have sent the request via ISO format.
Create with new Lending Request Librarian fills in relevant data and clicks “send” The bibliographic information appears directly from the searched record and is not editable
Processing new Lending Request After clicking “Send” the lending request appears in the lending tab functional mode
Processing with new Lending Request If now we click ”Locate” …
Processing new Lending Request We receive the ”Locate Preview” window. This is because we previous chose “Preview on Locatre” in the lending menu of the GUI. This CCL query is built according to parameters in usm40/tab/tab_locate One item exists which matches the lending request
Processing with new Lending Request After clicking “Locate” from the “Locate Preview” window we see the item in the lower pane. The request status has changed to “located”
Dealing with Located Lending Request After the item for the lending request is located there are four options from the lower pane. Print = Print a call slip Select the Available Filter check box = Display only available item. Leaving it unchecked displays all items. Hold Request = Place a hold request for the requester. This triggers sending a “hold placed” message to the requester Push to Circ = Transfer a record to the Items tab in the Circulation module . Depending on your authorization, you can view fuller information and/or perform Circulation actions on the record.
Print Call Slip for Located Lending Request In order to supply a request, you will want to print call slips. There are several ways to print call slips: Manually - Open the Items tab in the List of Requests lower pane, and click Print. This triggers the printing of a form with details of the request, and bibliographic and item information. Running an automatic process which performs Locate; call slips are printed as part of the process. Submitting a batch service which prints slips for Located requests, at set intervals.
Print Call Slip for Located Lending Request This is an example of a call slip printed via the “Print” button in the lower pane
Creating Hold Request for Lending Request After clicking “Hold Request” in the lower pane the standard Hold request form is displayed
Sending item to library After the item is retrieved from the shelf it is sent to the library which requested it Ship is active for requests that are not "Shipped" (sent to the requester). You will be prompted to select whether the material is Returnable, Non-Returnable or Electronic, after which a window will pop up for additional information.
Sending item to library When the material is at hand, ready for shipping, you use the Ship function to send a “Shipped” message to the requester and to update the request’s status to “SHIPPED”. There are different scenarios for performing the Ship action, depending on whether you are sending a Returnable copy sending a Non-Returnable copy sending an Electronic copy, choosing to initiate shipping on a single request, or on a group of requests.
Sending item to library After clicking “Ship” we receive the following diaplog box. Here we will select “Returnable Shipment”.
Sending item to library The “Returnable Shipment” form appears to be filled in by librarian
Sending item to library The “Supply Slip” is then printed to be sent with the item
Sending item to library The status changed to “Sent on Loan”
Sending item to library The item is automatically loaned to the patron. The patron is actually the ILL Unit.
Sending item to library All items which have been shipped via a lending request are visible via the “shipped” node in the navigation pane in the summary view of the lending tab.
Checking item in from borrowing library Checking in returned (Returnable) material completes the lending cycle. Check-in triggers the update of the request status to ‘Closed’, and performs check-in of the material within the Circulation system. You can check in material from a List of Requests, for a single request; through the Navigation Tree’s Bulk Operation – Check-in node; or in regular check-in procedures in the Circulation module.
Checking item in from borrowing library Click “Check-in” and receive “Check-In Note” window.
Checking item in from borrowing library Item is automatically returned from patron (Ill Unit) in circulation module
Checking item in from borrowing library Status of request changes to “closed”
Checking item in from borrowing library The status of the lending request can be changed by clicking “Change Status” from the List of Requests”
Checking item in from borrowing library Various activities of the lending request are visible in the request log