California & New York 13105143 Kanako Nishimato 13105204 Kanako Ishibashi 13105217 Tomoyo Kubo
California New York Origin of state's name: Named by Spanish after Califia, a mythical paradise in a Spanish romance, written by Montalvo in 1510. Origin of state's name: Named after England's Duke of York Motto: Excelsior Motto: Eureka Nickname : Empire State Nickname: Golden state Blue bird State Flog State Flog State seal California poppy California quail maple
New York California Albany ← capital → Sacrament 18130000 ← Population 33871648 ← Average temperature → 19℃ 13℃ → 29.4℃ ← Maximum temperature 30℃ -3℃ ← Minimum temperature → 8℃ 46.2 Inches ← precipitation → 15.5 Inches 139000k㎡ ← area → 411045k㎡
New York California Studio =$800(about) Studio=$700(about) 1BR=$850(about) 1BR=$1000(about) 2BR=$1500(about) 2BR=$2000
New York California Times square A Rockefeller Center Golden gate Bridge HOLLY WOOD Hembre Central park Disney land The Statue of Liberty Empires Tate Building
New York California 145317 ← The murder number of a year → 84965 398 ← The murder number of a month → 232 17 ← The murder number of a hour → 10 ranking City’s name State number 1 New York 145217 2 Los Angeles California 84965 3 Houston Texas 64210 4 Philadelphia Pennsylvania 52105 5 Dallas 51179 ranking City’s name State number 6 Detroit Michigan 48606 7 Phoenix Arizona 46025 8 San Antonio Texas 36148 9 Columbus Ohio 27963 10 Atlanta Georgia 27786
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