General Service Representative Workshop
Agenda General Service Structure General Service Representative Position District Area Some History
General Service Structure
From General Service Representative (G.S.R.) The general service representatives (G.S.R.s) of the U.S. and Canada are the very foundation of our general service structure. Through your G.S.R., you can make your group’s voice heard at district meetings, at area assemblies, and eventually at the General Service Conference.
Qualifications An alcoholic Active member of a home group Regular attendance at group business meetings Necessary length of sobriety determined by group, generally 1 to 2 years
What G.S.R. position isn’t A Promotion “I’ve finally arrived” Gun Slinger Conspiracy Theory Making a name for yourself
What G.S.R. position is Linking their group with A.A. as a whole Carrying the A.A. message from: group to district district to group group to area (assembly) area (assembly) to group Being a participant, at district meetings, area assembly, and special district or area events A position of responsibility where courtesy is required
REPRESENTATIVE (G.S.R.) KIT CONTENTS OF GENERAL SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE (G.S.R.) KIT Book Service Material AA Service Manual/12 Concepts for World Service Memo to you the new G.S.R.* Concepts Checklist Pamphlets Traditions Checklist Twelve Concepts & Twelve Traditions Illustrated A.A. Group Change Form The A.A. Group You’re A.A. General Service Inside A.A. Self-Support Where Money & Spirituality Mix G.S.R.: General Service Rep Self-Support Card Circles of Love & Service Corrections Correspondence The A.A. Grapevine and La Viña The A.A. Group Treasurer Group Contribution Envelope* Catalogue/Order Forms Birthday Contribution Envelope* Literature Catalogue A.A. Grapevine Today (one page flyer) * * Not available on Web site contact Group Service Desk (post card) *
District Table District made up of a number of groups, usually in a geographic area Each group sends a G.S.R. Meets monthly to talk about A.A. business Other positions at District – DCM, chairs for committees (PI, CPC, TF, etc…) 9
Area 93 areas in North America We are area 83 – Eastern Ontario International 550 active groups, average group size 17.63 estimated members 9,695 25 districts (1 in the US making us International, 1 Spanish) Two components Area Assembly – meets twice a year Area Committee – meets 3 to 4 times a year. Comprised of: Past Delegates Area table officers Area sub-committee chairs District Committee Members (DCM)/Alternate DCM 10