Romans Part IV Lesson 3
Romans 12:3-8 First instruction: Don’t think more highly of yourself than you ought to think. Think with sound judgment In context: TO believers in order to SERVE the body of Christ with spiritual gifts
Paul’s illustration A physical body (we all have one!) Gifts: “charisma” the instantaneous enablement of the Holy Spirit in the life of any believer to exercise a gift for the edification of others. The result of a gracious act of God Spiritual gifts are supernatural abilities for serving the body of Christ
Romans 12:3-8 How are believers to use their gifts? According to the proportion of faith (vs. 6) Prophecy: Speak what they hear from the Lord to others in the body Service, Teaching, Exhortation: use it in serving the body of Christ; believers Giving: with liberality Leading: with diligence Mercy: with cheerfulness
I Peter 4:10-11 EACH one HAS one Employ it in serving one another Two categories: Speaking and serving Result: God is glorified
Summary So Far We have different gifts, functions in the body Speaking God’s Word: Prophecy Teaching Exhortation Serving with God’s strength Service Giving Showing mercy
I Corinthians 12 Don’t be unaware Varieties of gifts – same Spirit Varieties of ministries – same Lord Varieties of effects – same God Definition according to verse 7: manifestation of the Spirit A spiritual gift shows WHO is in a believer
I Corinthians 12 Why is each believer given a gift? For the common good (vs. 7) Word of wisdom: what does the Word say Word of knowledge: what do we DO with it Some serving gifts: faith, gifts of healing, effecting of miracles Prophecy: clear speaking of the Word
I Corinthians 12 The SPIRIT distributes The SPIRIT decides Spiritual gifts are not natural talents or learned abilities They are spiritual abilities distributed by God’s Spirit NO one has ALL the gifts There is to be NO division in the body (vs. 25)
I Corinthians 12:27-30 There is an order for the gifts First apostles – those SENT with the message Second prophets – those who SPEAK the Word Third teachers – those who teach His Word and explain it Then miracles, healings, helps, administrations, tongues
Ephesians 4:1-16 A believer is to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which they have been called with all humility, gentleness, patience and forbearance in love Verse 7: Grace is given according to the measure of Christ’s gift SOME: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers
What is the result Equipping the saints Building up the body Attaining unity of the faith Becoming mature, no longer children Growing up in Christ SO, WHAT IS YOUR GIFT AND HOW ARE YOU SERVING THE BODY?