HTG Overview Business and Personal Growth Driven by Execution John Gaillard Solid Rock Coaching 864-313-7746 1
Agenda Mission Why HTG Culture of HTG Mechanics of HTG Vendor Sponsorship of HTG
Mission We walk with leaders in life and business to help them reach their desired growth and legacy.
HTG’s One Focus Business and personal growth driven by execution through accountability
What’s the Value Proposition? HTG peer groups offer a unique forum for company leaders, in the Unified Communications space, who are serious about implementing a model for success in their businesses and personal lives through combining best practices, execution and accountability
Success – Acumen - Accountability EBITDA of 11.3% vs 7.9% = $34,000 for every $1M in revenue Business and Financial Acumen “I made more money at the end of my first year in HTG than I did in the previous 10 years combined” by Paul Blough Accountability Who do you talk with? Who holds you accountable? Who do you tell your plans to? How do you get help when you can’t get “there”?
Operational Maturity Level© as described by Service Leadership OML 5 OML 4 OML 3 OML 2 OML 1 Average OML © for all F2F HTG is 3.0 Most new HTG companies are in the 1.5 to 3.0 range
Operational Maturity Level© OML© 1: Beginning (don’t know what you don’t know) Poor prospecting, low/no account control, AFAB, not consistently profitable, lots of new customers OML© 2: Emerging (pit of despair) Semi-standard offerings, need to raise prices, slower but healthier growth, sub-medium financials, lower account control OML© 3: Scaling Standard offerings, targeted clients, process driven, working ON business, medium financials, slowest growth, sales discontent OML© 4: Optimizing Dictate products & services, sales quicken, high account control, clear value proposition OML© 5: Innovating Slow intro of new technologies, robust processes, very high account control, highly profitable, top quartile financials T&M – more work per customer equals more profit MSP – less work per customer equals more profit As you migrate from a T&M to an MSP, skills of the people you have on your team need to change.
Transitions in Focus of Management Team
HTG Culture
Legacy Thinking – Other Centered Legacy thinking is our foundation and shapes our thoughts, time and resource utilization Drives our core values, mission, vision and strategies Upon this foundation we build our leadership plan and our life plan It is the guard rails which keep us on track as we build our business plan Focused on others and the future which are essential for a lasting legacy Legacy is created as we live. That means we live today focused on others so we can leave a legacy in the future focused on them. HTG helps people identify, create, and move toward their desired legacy.
HTG Culture
HTG Program Directly Tied to Company Culture No member left alone to face a natural disaster or personal crisis. The Hands That Give emergency response fund will come to their aid. Learn more at
Mechanics of HTG
HTG Peer Group Structure 10 – 12 companies in a peer group Corporate membership Geographic separation – no competition Facilitated meetings with an agreed upon agenda Quarterly Business Review Conducted by Each Member Vendor interaction at each meeting North America, EMEA and APAC
Peer Group Meetings Face-to-Face - $5,000 Meet quarterly 2 days Central location Optional training day Target Revenue > $3m < $35m
Face-to-Face Meetings Dates JumpStart Held in Omaha approximately 1 month before first meeting Meeting time is 1.5 days Purpose is to prepare you for first meeting – being productive One-time fee of $500 Meetings Q4 ‘16 – Orlando the week of October 31st Q1 ‘17 – Phoenix the week of February 6th Q2 ‘17 – Dallas the week of May 1st Q3 -17 – Denver the week of August 7th
HTG HUB Communication \ Collaboration