Air Pollution By Talisa & Liz
Outline I What is air pollution II Causes of air pollution III Effects of air pollution IV Indoor pollution V Outdoor pollution VI Why its bad/Our stand VII Summary VIII References
What is air pollution? Air pollution is made up of many different kinds of gases, droplets and particles that reduce the quality of the air. Ground level ozone is a major part of air pollution in most cities. It is harmful to humans and other organisms. Human activities make a major contribution to global air pollution
Causes of air pollution One cause of air pollution is water pollution. When the water is polluted it evaporates into the air and when it rains it creates acid rain which pollutes the air.
Effects of air pollution The effects of air pollution are: irritation of eyes, nose, and throat. It creates upper respiratory infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia There are long-term health effects such as chronic respiratory disease, lung cancer, heart disease, and even damage to the brain, nerves, liver, or kidneys.
Indoor Pollution Causes are: black mold and toxic mold. Main sources of pollutants:construction materials, heating/air conditioning devices, furniture, coatings of paint, cleaning products (I.e. Windex, Ajax, Bleach)
Outdoor pollution Comes from many sources such as: industries, vehicles, gas stations, fires, outdoor pesticide use/ farm equipment, combination of oil, coal, and other fossil fuels that we burn.
Before and after Air pollution in the U.S.
Why it’s bad/Our stand This is extremely wrong. We need to do out part to help reduce air pollution. Diseases are in the air when there is also pollution. One of the types of diseases is Pulmonary Fibrosis. Pulmonary fibrosis starts with symptoms like shortness of breath, chronic cough, loss of appetite, and rapid weight loss.
Summary In the U.S. and other countries around the world, air pollution is a major problem.People all around the world are being harmed and becoming ill because of the condition of the air. People around the world are all trying to help, but we can’t seem to find a solution. Our everyday life consists of burning fuels, driving vehicles, and factories’ output of the exhaust.
References Pollution, (Science in Action Video series), VOL. 4, TMW Media Group, Venice, CA Indoor and Outdoor air pollution. Wayne Ching. What is air pollution?