“God’s Tests” Face to Face with Death “An O.T. EMT Uses CPR” I Kgs. 17:17-24 Elijah Series #3 9/4/11
God uses trouble and tragedy in our lives for His glory.
I. They Are God’s Provision Sickness that led to death was part of God’s plan. Advice When you die, say something famous Or smile, shut your eyes, and wake up in heaven! The death of a saint (Ps. 16) The death of the wicked (Ps. 49)
II. They Serve God’s Purposes The Widow – It got the widow’s attention. Her only possession was taken away. She asked, “Who should get the blame?” Elijah or me? Superstitions… Death follows the appearance of a super-human. The closeness of a prophet would allow God to see her sin more clearly. This event softened her heart and opened a door of opportunity.
Elijah He was moved to action. What’s my part? How can I help? He sought God’s will . What’s God’s part in this? He prayed! He was used by God to help. Sickness and death give “incredible” chances to help and share what’s in our hearts and in God’s Word.
III. They Show God’s Power. She gave a testimony of “convincement.” All things are for His glory, and to make us like Christ. We don’t live in an Age of Miracles like Moses, Elijah, Elisha, Jesus, and the Apostles. Would we would believe if we could see miracles. We can see them by faith in God’s Word. Faith doesn’t come by miracles. It comes by the H.S.
Yes, God uses trouble and tragedy in our lives. They Are God’s Provision They Serve God’s Purposes They Show God’s Power PS. Jewish tradition states that this little boy grew up to be Jonah (a prophet of God)