Tracheostomy and Vents Amy Kendall BSN,RN, RRT
Tracheostomy Tracheostomy
Placement of tracheostomy Can be done at bedside, or in surgery. How long should someone be intubated before being evaluated for trach? Where do they place trach?
Most Common Trachs
Speaking and eating with a Trach
Steps to placing PMV or Button Suction Deflate cuff Replace inner cannula (if applicable) Place button or PMV
Intro to Vents Trilogy 100 -Can provide invasive and non- invasive modes -Can place inline treatments if needed.
AC- Assist Control Tidal Volume- set volume is delivered each breath, doesn’t matter who initiated it, the vent, or the patient.
Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation Like AC, SIMV delivers a minimum number of fully assisted breaths per minute that are synchronized with the patient's respiratory effort. These breaths are patient- or time-triggered, flow-limited, and volume-cycled. However, any breaths taken between volume-cycled breaths are not assisted
Pressure Support Inspiratory pressure is added to spontaneous breaths to overcome the resistance of the endotracheal tube or to increase the volume of spontaneous breaths. PSV may also be used as a stand-alone mode to facilitate spontaneous breathing