Digestive and Excretory Systems Review Game Quiz Tomorrow – Ch 48 Format: 16 M/C 7 Completion (w/word bank) 2 Diagrams (digestive system & excretory systems) 1 Graphical Analysis Question Study your note packet and worksheets for this chapter
What system is responsible for the mechanical and chemical breakdown of food, absorption of nutrients & removal of solid wastes? Digestive
What system is responsible for the removal of metabolic wastes and helps to maintain osmotic balance? Excretory
What is a general term for the substances that provide the body with energy and materials for growth, maintenance and repair? Nutrients
Which nutrient serves as your body’s primary energy source? Carbohydrates
Which nutrient is used to create cell membranes? Lipids
What do you call the muscular, wavelike contractions that push food through the digestive system? peristalsis
Hydrochloric acid and this substance begin digestion of protein in the stomach: pepsin
Salivary glands in the mouth produce an enzyme that begins the digestion of what nutrient? Carbohydrates
What substance breaks large fat globules into smaller droplets? Bile
Bile is made in the ______ and stored in the ______? Liver, gall bladder
Which part of the digestive system does most of the absorption of nutrients take place? Small intestines
What two structures found in the lining of the small intestine increase the rate of nutrient absorption? Villi and microvilli
Which structures are A & B? A: liver B: pancreas E A F C B G D
Which structures are C & D? C: gall bladder D: small intestine E A F C B G D
Which structures are E , F & G? E: esophagus F: stomach G: large intestine E A F C B G D
What is another name for the large intestine? colon
What do you call chewed moistened food when it is in the esophagus? bolus
What do you call the mixture of food, acid and enzymes in the stomach? chyme
What are the organs of excretion? Lungs, skin, kidneys
Which excretory organ maintains homeostasis by removing urea excess H20 and other wastes from the blood? kidneys
What are the three (3) stages of urine formation (in order)? 1 – filtration 2 – reabsorption 3 - secretion
What is the basic functional unit of the kidney? A nephron
Which of the following substances are reabsorbed and which remain in the nephron to be removed as part of urine? Salt ions, water, urea, glucose Salt ions – reabsorbed Water – reabsorbed Urea – removed Glucose - reabsorbed
Label the diagram below: A - Kidney B – Ureter C – Urinary Bladder D - Urethra A B C D
A – Small Intestines B – Mouth C - Stomach Where does digestion of the following nutrients begin? A – Lipids B – Carbs C - Proteins A – Small Intestines B – Mouth C - Stomach
A – Small Intestines B – Small Intestines C – Small Intestines Where does digestion of the following nutrients end? A – Lipids B – Carbs C - Proteins A – Small Intestines B – Small Intestines C – Small Intestines
What structures carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder? ureters
What structure carries urine from the bladder out of the body? urethra