The Rise and Rule of Single-party States; Hitler´s Third Reich
The Background Economic situation; early 1930´s The Stab in the Back-myth and the Versailles Treaty The fear of a communist revolution Weaknesses of the Weimar Republic; article 48 and Bruning, the role of President Hindenburg
Hitler comes to power 1933-35 1933 - Hitler invited by the conservatives and the Reichswehr within the coalition government - it was inevitable that the Weimar republic would collapse, but not inevitable that Hitler and the Nazis could take over ( J.W Hiden) - The Election of 5 march 1933 ; insisted by the Nazis ( they had only 3/11 cabinet posts)
Consolidation of Power; 1933-35 A violent campaign, propaganda by press and radio Meetings of other parties ( except Nazis and Nationalists) disturbed, speakers beaten up Police officers replaced by Nazis ( SA, SS)
1933-35 The Reichstag Fire ( started by a Dutch anarchist)→ Hitler blamed the communists!! - The Election turned to be a disappointment for the Nazis, they won only 44% of the votes! So still dependent on the Nationalists * The Enabling Law, March 1933 ( for 4 years): Hitler becomes a dictator! * communists were not allowed to take part to the vote * violence, only the social democrats voted against - The government could impose laws without the approval of the Reichstag ( came into operation the day they were published) - could ignore constitution - could ignore signed agreements
1933-35 The Introduction of Gleichstaltung ( forcible co-ordination) No elections between 1933-45! - local government brought under Nazi control; Nazi Special Commissioners ( had complete power) - Trade-Unions banned; German Labour front established, Corporates encouraged - all other parties forbidden; Germany became a single-party state! - The Night of the Long Knives in 1934; the Purge on SA ; got rid of Ernst Röhm - death of Hindenburg in 1934, Hitler becomes chancellor
Gleichschaltung Gestapo ; the secret police Religion was brought under state control; -the Concordat with the Pope in 1933, in 1937 the Catholic Church condemned the Nazis - Protestants ; organised resistance ( the only ones! ) * anti- semitism ; The Nuremberg Laws introduced in 1935; The Jews were no longer citizens of Germany, Holocaust - The civil service was purged; no Jews
Gleichschaltung The economy brought under state control * To get rid of unemployment ( public works) * to make G. Self-sufficient by boosting exports/ reducing imports - gov. Control of production, prices, rents, foreign trade - moving workers - manipulation of currency
Why did the German People approve ? What benefits did Hitler Bring to the G.people?