Addressing Inequalities in Children How does it work in practice?
Key Issues for Children in Greater Glasgow and Clyde Child poverty Not good enough parenting Education Health behaviours
Poverty and health NHSGGC Indicator Best CH©P Worst CH©P Scotland P1 no dental decay 67% E Dunbartonshire 27% East Glasgow 48% (Greater Glasgow) Breastfed 6 weeks 50% E Renfrewshire 21% 38% Maternal smoking at booking 13% 30% Immunisation 12 months 98% 94% North Glasgow 97%
Educational attainment Glasgow City
Educational attainment LAC &LAAC Glasgow City 2005/06 Reading P3 Reading S2 Maths P6 Std Grade Eng/Math School pop-ulation 82% 56% 85% LAAC 23% 13% 6% 29%
Public Health Organisation Devolving planning, health promotion and public health Integrated teams planning and health improvement in CH(C)P – integrated teams for children and families and community care Mental Health Partnership and addictions Acute Division Public Health Resource Unit and Public Health Networks including children Corporate Inequalities Team - Senior leadership for children’s services planning Priority of children and families
Focus on Inequalities 9 transformational themes describe our new organisation whole top team and organisation contribute to leadership on health improvements and tackling inequalities Corporate planning priorities and process focus resources on the greatest need framework for health improvement planning to address inequalities
Director of Public Health Joint post with Glasgow City Council Making public policy healthy Health Impact Assessments Corporate Management Team Champion for “Healthy” theme of Community Planning
Targeting Services to Address Inequalities Review of health visiting Strong focus on child protection Specific services for vulnerable families, eg, WRHS, PACT Inequalities Sensitive Practice Initiative Service redesign, eg, CAMHS Resource allocation to CH(C)Ps Programme budgeting for child health
Parenting Favourable policy and political context Cost-effectiveness Universal and targeted Multi-agency Systematic approach Engagement strategy National guidance