Myocarditis in paediatric patients: age and gender are influencing incidence, severity and clinical course. Initial data analysis from the German multi-centre registry “MYKKE” Franziska Degener 46th Congress SICP Parma, 05.11.2016
Registry for children and adolescents with suspected myocarditis multi-center prospective pseudonymised Inclusion criteria: suspected myocarditis hospital admission age <18 years informed consent Data capturing on web interface, 52 items on characteristics, symptoms, diagnostic tests performed, confidence of the treating physician in the diagnosis on a subjective scale, left-ventricular function, therapy, complications. Items primarily require yes/no responses via ticking respective boxes, allowing for completing each data sheet in <5 minutes when all data are available. DHZB | MYKKE: Initial data analysis | Parma 05.11.2016
Participating centers 23 Zentren, 18 einschließend (nicht Ulm, Heidelberg, Stuttgart, Bonn, Oldenburg) DHZB | MYKKE: Initial data analysis | Parma 05.11.2016
Included patients (n=207) DHZB | MYKKE: Initial data analysis | Parma 05.11.2016
Age at symptom onset (n=207) 2 age peaks 0-<2 and 13-18 years, young age distribution more 50/50, adolescents like overall 2/3 male DHZB | MYKKE: Initial data analysis | Parma 05.11.2016
Gender(n=207) DHZB | MYKKE: Initial data analysis | Parma 05.11.2016
Symptoms at admission (n=207) Other: cardiogenic shock reanimation (4), gastrointestinal symptoms, edema, headache, paraesthesia DHZB | MYKKE: Initial data analysis | Parma 05.11.2016
Diagnostics (n=207) DHZB | MYKKE: Initial data analysis | Parma 05.11.2016
Ejection fraction according age groups (n=207) 0-<2=49, 2-12=41,13-18 =117 DHZB | MYKKE: Initial data analysis | Parma 05.11.2016
Adverse Events according age groups (n=207) Overall mortality 8/207 = 3,9% 1 DCM, 5 sicher myocarditis, 2x 3 und 2; alter 3x0, 1x2, 1x8, 11, 12, 13 DHZB | MYKKE: Initial data analysis | Parma 05.11.2016
Therapy (n=206) DHZB | MYKKE: Initial data analysis | Parma 05.11.2016
Follow up EF in Echo (n=38) Median Follow up 11 month p<0.001 EF in % Median 47% zu 60%, 56/207 haben FU 28%, davon 38/207 =18%, FU median 11 month DHZB | MYKKE: Initial data analysis | Parma 05.11.2016
Conclusion MYKKE is a successful multicenter registry for myocarditis in children and adolescents Data underline two age peaks (0-<2 years and 13-18 years) Severe clinical course and more adverse events are present in young children Overall mortality of 3.9% MYKKE serves as a platform for deriving diagnostic criteria and in future interventional studies DHZB | MYKKE: Initial data analysis | Parma 05.11.2016
Outlook End of 2016 Diagnostic criteria and a diagnostic score 2017 Standardized diagnostic in pediatric patients in Germany 2017-2018 Including another 150 patients Validation of diagnostic criteria / score 2018 Data on Outcome in children and adolescents with myocarditis Genetic / immunological analyses for understanding different pathomechanisms 2018 multi-center interventional therapy studies on myocarditis in children Participating international centers DHZB | MYKKE: Initial data analysis | Parma 05.11.2016
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