ESTACIONES y MESES Español - Quinto Grado
1. Which season is VERANO?
2. Which season is INVIERNO?
3. Which season is OTOÑO?
4. Which season is PRIMAVERA?
5. How do you say this season in Spanish? Verano
6. How do you say this season in Spanish? Primavera
7. How do you say this season in Spanish? Invierno
8. How do you say this season in Spanish? Otoño
9. Which season goes with these months? SEPTIEMBRE OCTUBRE NOVIEMBRE OTOÑO
10. Which season goes with these months? DICIEMBRE ENERO FEBRERO Invierno
11. Which season goes with these months? JUNIO JULIO AGOSTO Verano
12. Which season goes with these months? MARZO ABRIL MAYO Primavera
13. What kind of weather is this? Hace calor.
14. What kind of weather is this? Hace frio.
15. What kind of weather is this? Hace sol.
16. What kind of weather is this? Está lloviendo.
17. What kind of weather is this? Está nevando.
18. How would you describe a hot day in Spanish? Hace calor.
19. How would you describe a cold day in Spanish? Hace frio.
20. How would you describe a sunny day in Spanish? Hace sol.
21. How would you describe a rainy day in Spanish? Está lloviendo.
22. How would you describe a snowy day in Spanish? Está nevando.
diciembre What is this month in English? December
enero What is this month in English? January
marzo What is this month in English? March
noviembre What is this month in English? November
junio What is this month in English? June
octubre What is this month in English? October
febrero What is this month in English? February
abril What is this month in English? April
agosto What is this month in English? August
mayo What is this month in English? May
septiembre What is this month in English? September
julio What is this month in English? July